Tayak's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1178,31066,923cep_coinbaseCoin Exchange Parser(CEP) is a functional exchange calculation class which converts rec...
2178,36143,406cepc_coinbaseCepC is a mining estimation and coin ratio calculator and demonstrator. CepC basicly ca...
3178,47843,406tcmb_exchangerCurrency calculator that receives exchange rates through the TCMB daily foreign exchang...
4180,03666,923thread_runnerBasic thread library with which you can manage initialize, main, monitor, queue and fin...
5181,73966,923oracle_db_script_producerSQL script tool that can programmatically create create, insert, update, delete, trunc ...
6181,80666,923hrepHREP is a simple hyperlink extraction and checking tool.