1 | 11,229 | 61,367 | vlad | Vlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation,
without mercy. Much l... |
2 | 18,591 | 61,367 | sources | This package provides download sources for remote gem installation |
3 | 29,771 | 61,367 | vlad-hg | Mercurial support for Vlad. Using it is as simple as passing
:scm => :mercurial |
4 | 63,229 | 41,086 | acts_as_searchable | acts_as_searchable adds fulltext searching capabilities based on Hyper Estraier to an A... |
5 | 97,755 | 61,367 | vlad-merb | Merb support for Vlad. Prior to 2.0.0, Vlad included support to make vlad:start
and vla... |
6 | 104,776 | 61,367 | vlad-perforce | Vlad plugin providing perforce support. This was previously available
in vlad but all e... |
7 | 106,636 | 61,367 | revenant | A framework for building reliable distributed workers. |
8 | 123,962 | 61,367 | enjin | An ongoing project to build a maintainable and fault-tolerant cloud platform. |