Bit-mate's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1175,33761,367img_to_scriptConverts images to executable scripts.
2176,17461,367quecto_calcEvaluates primitive arithmetic expressions represented in a text form.
3176,53761,367smp_tool-cliCLI for the smp_tool lib.
4176,92861,367run_length_encoding_rbRun-length encoding/decoding.
5177,83461,367rmagick-bin_magickA tiny gem to create binary images (using RMagick).
6178,02961,367img_to_script-mk90_client_apiProvides an API between a client app and the img_to_script gem.
7172,81627,890MK90_bas_img_generatorGenerates MK90 BASIC tokens to render images on the MK90's screen.
8179,18761,367injalid_dejiceUTF-8 <-> KOI-7 encoder/decoder.
9179,24961,367dec_radix_50DEC RADIX 50 encoding.
10173,49353,028bin_magickA tiny gem to process binary images (using RMagick).
11178,63583,525quecto_parserA very simple lexer/parser.
12174,52797,090MK90_bas_formatterFormats list of MK90 BASIC tokens to a valid executable Elektronika MK90 BASIC code.
13182,18241,086smp_toolA library to work with the Elektronika MK90 volume images