1 | 1,193 | 1,516 | reek | Reek is a tool that examines Ruby classes, modules and methods and reports any code sme... |
2 | 4,592 | 7,487 | event_bus | event_bus provides support for application-wide events, without coupling the publishing... |
3 | 9,038 | 9,603 | dag | A very simple library for working with directed acyclic graphs |
4 | 47,870 | 24,894 | es-readmodel | An opinionated read model framework for use with EventStore |
5 | 91,128 | 52,145 | es-http-client | A simple HTTP client for EventStore |
6 | 101,561 | 52,145 | ns-macro-processor | An opinionated macro processor |