Myobie's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,4475,520ruby-gmailA Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need. Search, read and send m...
217,92347,988watershipWrapper around Bunny to better handle connection issues
336,22347,988mashedA Mash
436,51647,988repA library for writing authoritative representations of objects for pages and apis.
554,41247,988straight_shooterTakes screenshots of sites using WebKit and Qt
655,35847,988factoriesObjects to build and create models
766,81047,988dm-json-searchUse JSON and Hashes to create complex queries on your DM models.
867,64547,988eedbMigrates your EE DB to and from a server with rollback capabilities and find and replac...
971,40447,988sinatra-scopeSimple nested routes for Sinatra.
1071,52434,287rake-tildeRun your existing rake tasks by just appending ~.
1180,90834,287rake-sprocketsBuild your assets with rake build.
1285,16747,988dm-imap-adapterDataMapper IMAP adapter
1394,84047,988grid-plugin-growlGrowling it up, yo.
1497,11247,988grid-plugin-updaterKeeping your grids updated
15110,77947,988fancy_commandI get really tired of not having a good Command class in ruby, so here it is.
17149,24747,988workoutMake objects to represent and execute operations as steps, one by one, and know if it s...
18152,10147,988rake-templatesA small wrapper around tilt to provide templating.