Idchlife's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1111,81523,838kanal-interfaces-telegramLibrary provides Telegram interface for Kanal. With this you can connect to telegram bo...
2125,42523,838kanalThanks to the core library, ecosystem of Kanal tools can be extendted to use with input...
3161,00629,512kanal-plugins-user_systemLibrary that provides user feature, with saving users and their properties
4176,01051,220kanal-interfaces-pachkaUse this interface with your Kanal to create bot for Pachka messenger
5177,24729,512kanal-plugins-active_recordThis plugin-library allows developers to use ActiveRecord inside their bots
6177,55029,512kanal-plugins-batteries_bridgeThis plugin provides transformation between different interface properties (e.g. tg_aud...