#1741's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,35824,489BigCatI cat BIG.
261,64180,049refinerycms-eventsA really straightforward open source Ruby on Rails events plugin designed for integrati...
367,194163,113DoarSpec controller macros
473,09428,088bigcatI cat BIG.
591,84080,049semanticgap_date_time_formAn improved date time selector for Rails.
694,47561,626nom_nomI consume web service. Nom nom nom.
795,68080,049sneakin-refinerycms-newsA really straightforward open source Ruby on Rails news plugin designed for integration...
8110,05046,897CooCooNeural networks in Ruby and CUDA.
9114,30261,626elevation_event_calendarEasily show multiple, overlapping events across calendar days and rows.