Dbackeus's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,46974,510streamioRuby wrapper for Streamios API.
231,9217,922actioncable-enhanced-postgresql-adapterEnhances ActionCable's built in Postgres adapter with handling of the 8000 byte limit f...
340,85674,510streamio-cliCommand line interface for exporting data from Streamio accounts.
443,00474,510heroku-headersAdd heroku release info to your response headers.
547,08027,620mongo-resqueResque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing those j...
655,07974,510streamio-magickSimple yet powerful wrapper around imagemagick cli tools for reading metadata and trans...
7179,76247,329read-only-modeSimple read-only maintenance mode for Rails and Rack based web applications