1 | 2,946 | 2,685 | libhoney | Ruby gem for sending data to Honeycomb |
2 | 3,075 | 2,724 | honeycomb-beeline | Instrument your Ruby apps with Honeycomb |
3 | 13,130 | 21,532 | rack-honeycomb | Rack middleware for logging request data to Honeycomb. |
4 | 13,131 | 21,532 | activerecord-honeycomb | TO DO *is* a description |
5 | 13,383 | 20,054 | faraday-honeycomb | TO DO *is* a description |
6 | 18,307 | 21,532 | sequel-honeycomb | TO DO *is* a description |
7 | 19,908 | 18,833 | honeycomb-rails | Get fine-grained visibility into the behavior and performance of your
Rails web app... |
8 | 30,619 | 53,556 | fluent-plugin-honeycomb | Fluentd output plugin for Honeycomb.io |
9 | 32,375 | 18,351 | logstash-output-honeycomb_json_batch | This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe... |
10 | 182,893 | 53,556 | honeycomb-opentelemetry | Honeycomb's OpenTelemetry Ruby extras |