Honeycombio's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,9462,685libhoneyRuby gem for sending data to Honeycomb
23,0752,724honeycomb-beelineInstrument your Ruby apps with Honeycomb
313,13021,532rack-honeycombRack middleware for logging request data to Honeycomb.
413,13121,532activerecord-honeycombTO DO *is* a description
513,38320,054faraday-honeycombTO DO *is* a description
618,30721,532sequel-honeycombTO DO *is* a description
719,90818,833honeycomb-railsGet fine-grained visibility into the behavior and performance of your Rails web app...
830,61953,556fluent-plugin-honeycombFluentd output plugin for Honeycomb.io
932,37518,351logstash-output-honeycomb_json_batchThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
10182,89353,556honeycomb-opentelemetryHoneycomb's OpenTelemetry Ruby extras