Amkisko's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
168,97523,402grape-slack-botSlack bot implementation for ruby-grape
272,66741,086action_reporterRuby wrapper for multiple reporting services
3122,42623,402omniauth-slack-openidAn OmniAuth strategy for implementing Sign-in with Slack using OpenID Connect
4122,73661,367timely-appRuby client for the Timely API
5175,74161,367sidekiq_status_monitorSidekiqStatusMonitor offers a solution to add HTTP server for the sidekiq instance. Ca...
6177,90661,367data-migrationData migrations kit for ActiveRecord and ActiveJob
7180,20561,367seed_builderExtension for ActiveRecord to organize seeds in a directory and generate them as migrat...