1 | 13,316 | 15,557 | maca-fork-csspool | CSSPool is a CSS parser. CSSPool provides a SAC interface for parsing CSS as
well as a... |
2 | 14,439 | 45,403 | inline-style | Inlines CSS for html email delivery |
3 | 27,672 | 45,403 | eventual | Reconocimiento de fechas y periodos en lenguaje natural. Natural language date and peri... |
4 | 29,266 | 62,315 | schedular | Bare Bones Events CMS Rails Engine, event dates can be inputed as text in spanish, engl... |
5 | 31,255 | 45,403 | tiny_cms | Minimal CMS Rails Engine or more likelly a "static" pages manager.
Pages can be created... |
6 | 40,872 | 37,338 | tiny | Tiny is a tiny framework agnostic markup builder, useful for building view helpers on i... |
7 | 44,399 | 45,403 | table_builder | Rails builder for creating tables and calendars inspired by ActionView's FormBuilder. |
8 | 44,640 | 45,403 | ruby-osc | Concise OSC Ruby implementation based on EventMachine |
9 | 45,466 | 62,315 | sinatra-trails | A named routes Sinatra DSL inspired by Rails routing |
10 | 47,877 | 62,315 | dry_forms | Form builder additions for drier and localized forms, and association fields adding and... |
11 | 56,663 | 62,315 | es-mx-locale | LocalizaciĆ³n para Rails en es-MX empacada como una gema |
12 | 58,048 | 105,340 | handy-regexps | Useful regular expressions, so far Url and Email |
13 | 75,601 | 62,315 | scruby | SuperCollider client for Ruby |
14 | 90,419 | 105,340 | sequel_deep_dup | Makes deep copies of existing sequel models into a new record, along with its associati... |
15 | 90,873 | 105,340 | erector-form_for | Form helper inspired by erector targeting html5 |
16 | 95,583 | 105,340 | handy_regexps | Some useful regular expressions |
17 | 101,799 | 45,403 | arguments | You don't have to wait until Ruby 2.0 to get (named|keyword) arguments support.
Argumen... |
18 | 107,100 | 105,340 | rack-url_auth | Middleware for signing urls |
19 | 130,748 | 105,340 | markup_helpers | Framework agnostic markup helpers |
20 | 169,404 | 62,315 | kudosu | Sudoku solver and generator |