Maca's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,40840,337maca-fork-csspoolCSSPool is a CSS parser. CSSPool provides a SAC interface for parsing CSS as well as a...
214,26658,808inline-styleInlines CSS for html email delivery
326,97458,808eventualReconocimiento de fechas y periodos en lenguaje natural. Natural language date and peri...
428,59558,808schedularBare Bones Events CMS Rails Engine, event dates can be inputed as text in spanish, engl...
530,47318,171tiny_cmsMinimal CMS Rails Engine or more likelly a "static" pages manager. Pages can be created...
641,31389,538tinyTiny is a tiny framework agnostic markup builder, useful for building view helpers on i...
743,78558,808ruby-oscConcise OSC Ruby implementation based on EventMachine
844,65189,538sinatra-trailsA named routes Sinatra DSL inspired by Rails routing
944,74031,183table_builderRails builder for creating tables and calendars inspired by ActionView's FormBuilder.
1046,94458,808dry_formsForm builder additions for drier and localized forms, and association fields adding and...
1155,54158,808es-mx-localeLocalizaciĆ³n para Rails en es-MX empacada como una gema
1256,92147,536handy-regexpsUseful regular expressions, so far Url and Email
1374,40489,538scrubySuperCollider client for Ruby
1489,63589,538erector-form_forForm helper inspired by erector targeting html5
1589,73589,538sequel_deep_dupMakes deep copies of existing sequel models into a new record, along with its associati...
1694,28389,538handy_regexpsSome useful regular expressions
17100,28447,536argumentsYou don't have to wait until Ruby 2.0 to get (named|keyword) arguments support. Argumen...
18106,31889,538rack-url_authMiddleware for signing urls
19129,17189,538markup_helpersFramework agnostic markup helpers
20168,20589,538kudosuSudoku solver and generator