#1768's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,40551,220dynamic_imageDynamicImage is a Rails plugin that simplifies image uploading and processing
222,69829,512disDis is a Rails plugin that stores your file uploads and other binary blobs.
324,79151,220vector2dVector2d allows for easy handling of two-dimensional coordinates and vectors
433,55551,220schedSched (https://sched.com) API client library for Ruby
534,04751,220localizable_modelLocalizableModel provides localization support for ActiveRecord objects
637,91551,220pages_corePages Core
743,27551,220all-the-faviconsA Rails engine that outputs favicons through the assets pipeline
844,97451,220livecodeA toolkit for livecoding using Ruby and TextMate on OSX
950,68451,220sendregningRuby client for the SendRegning Web Service
1057,26529,512facebook_sessionRails plugin for simple Facebook session authentication
1158,51351,220floormanagerSimple ruby library for handling threaded workers operating on a queue
1262,82020,837stellar-js-railsThis gem provides Stellar.js for your Rails 3 application.
1398,54851,220pages_sphinxAdds ThinkingSphinx to Pages
14106,14551,220guilelessNaive HTML preprocessor
15126,57151,220merlin_gatewayClient for the Aspiro Merlin SMS gateway
16127,33051,220growl_notify_osascriptPort of Sam Davis' growl_notify gem without the Appscript dependency
17127,48751,220postnummer_norgeNorwegian postal codes