Imcotop's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
179,81868,530fluent-plugin-input-opensearchOpensearch output plugin for Fluent event collector
2121,88027,328test-opensearchOpensearch output plugin for Fluent event collector
3163,99368,530fluent-plugin-filter-geoip2Fluent filter plugin for adding GeoIP data to record. Supports the new Maxmind v2 datab...
4165,19245,261fluent-plugin-testA mutate filter for Fluent which functions like Logstash.
5169,92268,530fluent-plugin-record_indexingA fluentd filter plugin that will be used to Iterate over the object with its index and...
6177,918117,678fluent-plugin-user-agent-parserFluentd filter plugin to parse user-agent
7177,99877,965fluent-plugin-record_indexing_testA fluentd filter plugin that will be used to Iterate over the object with its index and...
8175,36216,274fluent-plugin-input-opensearch-testOpensearch output plugin for Fluent event collector
9175,65173,812fluent-plugin-split_testA fluentd filter plugin that will split all data
10182,996117,678test-input-opensearch-1Opensearch output plugin for Fluent event collector
11183,05097,080test-input-opensearchOpensearch output plugin for Fluent event collector
12176,40873,812fluent-output-splitterA fluentd filter plugin that will split period separated fields to nested hashes.
13176,42173,812fluent-plugin-output_splitteroutput split array plugin for fluentd
14176,49173,812fluent-plugin-splitterA fluentd filter plugin that will splitted all data in [..]
15180,26450,205fluent-plugin-input-opensearch-test-selectorOpensearch output plugin for Fluent event collector
16180,77145,261fluent-plugin-opensearch-testOpensearch output plugin for Fluent event collector