Hubertlepicki's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
139,24263,432amberbit-configReads YAML files with configuration. Allows you to specify default configuration file y...
245,11363,432srvfire up with 'srv' to serve current directory on port 4000 (default), 'srv 5000' on por...
355,49163,432metric_abcCalculates ABC metric for Ruby 1.9. Just like Flog but much more dull.
456,12063,432apidocsRails engine that will generate and serve docs for your APIs if you documented your con...
559,17763,432go_translate_yourselfGoTranslateYourself is engine, that you can easily integrate with your administration p...
692,53863,432filtered_attributesDifferent than attr_accessible/protected (that can still be used with this gem), you ca...
7114,53730,305react_componentNicer DSL for your React components in Rails (instead of JSX)
8115,55463,432password_encryptorSimple wrapper for BCrypt library to encrypt your passwords.
9128,35341,916safer_send_fileimplements safer_send_file method that allows sending files only from specified directo...
10128,79641,916response_assemblerCould be called parts for Rack...