1 | 2,845 | 3,683 | faraday-detailed_logger | A Faraday middleware for logging request and response activity including
method, UR... |
2 | 2,891 | 3,377 | font_assets | Improve font serving in Rails 3.1 |
3 | 6,889 | 8,989 | rapporteur | An engine that provides common status polling endpoint. |
4 | 14,488 | 51,488 | vaulted_billing | Several card processors and gateways support offloading the storage of credit card info... |
5 | 14,888 | 9,479 | openssl-extensions | This library patches OpenSSL to add helper methods and extensions to OpenSSL objects wi... |
6 | 20,929 | 32,595 | geocerts | A Ruby library for interfacing with the GeoCerts REST API |
7 | 21,648 | 10,506 | rack-maintenance_mode | Allows you to create a customized maintenance mode for your application that is run ear... |
8 | 44,726 | 32,595 | contactology | This library provides Ruby calls to interact with the Contactology email marketing API |
9 | 45,310 | 32,595 | sha_header | This library adds a new, custom X-Git-SHA header to your Rails application's response w... |
10 | 51,663 | 51,488 | rapporteur-load_check | Machine load reporting for rapporteur |
11 | 58,970 | 32,595 | contactology-mailer | Using the contactology gem, this library provides a Contactology::Mailer to provide sim... |
12 | 68,798 | 51,488 | rack-response-signature | Rack::ResponseSignature uses RSA key pairs to transparently sign the outgoing responses... |
13 | 88,789 | 51,488 | cloud_front | This library sets up your application to use the Amazon CloudFront CDN by modifying you... |
14 | 91,384 | 51,488 | jquery-console-rails | This gem provides jQuery and the jquery-console library for your Rails application. |
15 | 113,491 | 32,595 | blingee | blingee is a Ruby interface to the Blingee.com API. |
16 | 135,100 | 51,488 | hardy | Convert an HTTP Archive (HAR) into a siege URLs file with Content-Type request support. |