Philic's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1121,53474,484pfaGestion complète d'un PFA, pour le produire soit en HTML soit en PDF et calculer les di...
2162,30324,380lazy-checkThis gem is a lazy but serious way of testing that a website is valid in terms of its p...
3169,41274,484clirCommand Line Interface for Ruby applications, a lot of usefull methods
4173,46574,484precedencesTty-prompt extension to sort a list of choices along the "last is firts" principle.
5181,31451,783log_in_fileRuby gem to log messages in a output file easily.
6181,63974,484clir-data_managerThis gem provides useful Classes and methods to deal with instances properties edition ...
7182,96851,783osascriptGem macOS-only permettant de communiquer avec les autres applications par AppleScript