Wbruce's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,25661,367supporttest gem
211,36215,549paginatorPaginator doesn't make any assumptions as to how data is retrieved; you just have to pr...
312,30725,716keyword_searchGeneric library to parse GMail-style search strings for keyword/value pairs; supports d...
413,00441,086nginx_config_parser== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Currently ignores `if' statements (focused on only parsing sta...
518,63761,367fiveruns_tuneupRails plugin that provides the FiveRuns TuneUp Panel (http://tuneup.fiveruns.com)
624,39761,367ie_conditional_tagProvides an easy-to-use helper for generating multiple tags inside IE-specific conditio...
728,51561,367rtexLaTeX preprocessor for PDF generation; Rails plugin
839,20161,367spexAn easy-to-use test harness that runs assertions before and after and executable is run
944,23961,367brigitGit utilities
1049,48161,367gooseA flexible, simple Rails plugin that simplifies navigation and breadcrumbs.
1152,88861,367bumpsparkGenerates transparent PNG and Data URI bumpspark-style sparklines. Use from Ruby direct...
1256,30761,367fiveruns_tuneup_merbMerb Slice that provides the FiveRuns TuneUp Panel (http://tuneup.fiveruns.com)
1356,48761,367fiveruns_tuneup_coreCore utilities for FiveRuns TuneUp panels
1469,50561,367twfyRuby library to interface with the TheyWorkForYou API.
1571,48261,367tattleTattle is a little reporting script used for collecting system information from the Rub...
1673,90961,367bitmask-attributeSimple bitmask attribute support for ActiveRecord
1777,85061,367badger== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: It's free, it's quick, and it's easy. That being said, it requi...
1886,58061,367fast_forwardfast_forward is a small library designed to do two things: * Allow easy delegation of a...
1995,27261,367stringupAn easy-to-use test harness that runs assertions before and after and executable is run
20114,63261,367pmlcodeUtility for managing PML code embeds
21120,35661,367instrumentationProvides a simple API for instrumenting Ruby method invocations.
22122,56361,367css_shapesSCSS library for shapes. Sources: http://css-tricks.com/examples/ShapesOfCSS/, ...
23123,55041,086nested-benchmarkAdd support for simple named benchmarking blocks, blocks to ignore during benchmarking,...
24127,29161,367rocksteadyRun arbitrary scenarios across disparate sets of git repo revisions
25128,55761,367shorthandThis provides an easy way to build simple configuration-style DSLs and run them 'sandbo...
26143,36261,367tingeExtract color information into various formats from CSS/SCSS files.
27145,59461,367tailnudgeTailnudge displays OS notifications when a tailed file matches a pattern; useful for be...