Headius's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1182jsonA JSON implementation as a JRuby extension.
22923ffiRuby FFI library
348226thread_safeA collection of data structures and utilities to make thread-safe programming in Ruby e...
4311230ffi-compilerRuby FFI library
5455114psychPsych is a YAML parser and emitter. Psych leverages libyaml[https://pyyaml.org/wiki/Lib...
6720993json_pureThis is a JSON implementation in pure Ruby.
7980169net-httpHTTP client api for Ruby.
81,2582,327atomicAn atomic reference implementation for JRuby, Rubinius, and MRI
91,3911,907spoonSpoon is an FFI binding of the posix_spawn function (and Windows equivalent), providing...
101,5111,892jruby-opensslJRuby-OpenSSL is an add-on gem for JRuby that emulates the Ruby OpenSSL native library.
112,2812,359jar-dependenciesmanage jar dependencies for gems and keep track which jar was already loaded using mave...
122,6462,170io-waitWaits until IO is readable or writable without blocking.
132,8313,912activerecord-jdbc-adapterAR-JDBC is a database adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord component designed to be used wit...
142,8558,185jruby-launcherBuilds and installs a native launcher for JRuby on your system
152,8932,551jruby-jarsThis gem includes JRuby core and the Ruby standard library as jar files. It provides a ...
163,0362,725jruby-rackJRuby-Rack is a combined Java and Ruby library that adapts the Java Servlet API to Rack...
173,4232,460ruby-mavenmaven support for ruby DSL pom files. MRI needs java/javac installed.
183,4742,371ruby-maven-libsmaven distribution as gem - no ruby executables !
193,5085,617jdbc-mysqlInstall this gem `require 'jdbc/mysql'` and invoke `Jdbc::MySQL.load_driver` within JRu...
203,9135,934jdbc-postgresInstall this gem `require 'jdbc/postgres'` and invoke `Jdbc::Postgres.load_driver` with...
213,9836,160activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapterMySQL JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
224,0176,610activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapterPostgres JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
234,0354,370jdbc-sqlite3Install this gem `require 'jdbc/sqlite3'` and invoke `Jdbc::SQLite3.load_driver` within...
244,0644,526activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapterSqlite3 JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
254,33725,466bouncy-castle-javaGem redistribution of "Legion of the Bouncy Castle Java cryptography APIs" jars at http...
265,2392,872image_voodooImage manipulation in JRuby with ImageScience compatible API
275,35829,831rubinius-core-apiCross-impl versions of interesting Rubinius core classes
285,38329,831rubinius-actorRubinius's Actor implementation
297,07411,603maven-toolsadds versions conversion from rubygems to maven and vice versa, ruby DSL for POM (Proje...
307,42011,603jdbc-derbyInstall this gem `require 'jdbc/derby'` and invoke `Jdbc::Derby.load_driver` within JRu...
317,90925,466activerecord-jdbch2-adapterH2 JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
328,11545,971activerecord-jdbchsqldb-adapterHSQLDB JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
338,21345,971activerecord-jdbcderby-adapterDerby JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
3413,50738,090dbd-jdbcA JDBC DBD driver for Ruby DBI
3514,05245,971rubotoRuboto (JRuby on Android) is a platform for developing full stand-alone apps for Androi...
3614,4038,159rake-antAnt tasks and integration for Rake
3714,43729,831rmagick4jRMagick4J =========
3814,97645,971pg_jrubyThis file needs a translation of the English README. Pull requests, patches, or volunte...
3915,99316,005jdbc-h2Install this gem `require 'jdbc/h2'` and invoke `Jdbc::H2.load_driver` within JRuby to ...
4016,6682,999jmxAccess and create MBeans in a friendly Ruby syntax
4117,07545,971ActiveRecord-JDBCActiveRecord-JDBC is a database adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord component that can be u...
4217,66225,466weaklingA modified WeakRef impl for JRuby plus some weakref-related tools
4319,01813,768jruby-pgThis file needs a translation of the English README. Pull requests, patches, or volunte...
4421,28867,808bitescriptBiteScript is a Ruby DSL for generating Java bytecode and classes.
4524,16567,808mirahMirah is a customizable programming language featuring static types, local type inferen...
4626,78267,808ruboto-coreObsolete package. Use the "ruboto" gem instead.
4730,26238,090JRuby-OpenSSLJRuby-OpenSSL is an add-on gem for JRuby that emulates the Ruby OpenSSL native library.
4833,67120,830jdbc-hsqldbInstall this gem `require 'jdbc/hsqldb'` and invoke `Jdbc::HSQLDB.load_driver` within J...
4936,78122,746jruby-ldapPort of Ruby/LDAP to JRuby
5041,12945,971jruby-readlinereadline extension for JRuby
5144,92267,808waltersJRuby wrapper for Houdini html escaping library
5256,37945,971AntBuilderAntBuilder: Use ant from JRuby. Only usable within JRuby
5364,00267,808dubyDuby is a customizable programming language featuring static types, local type inferenc...
5471,27567,808clobyClojure-based transactional semantics for Ruby instance variables
5573,02533,464java-inlineA set of plugins for RubyInline to allow embedding JVM languages into Ruby code running...
5681,14825,466jruby-startupA set of utilities to improve the startup time of JRuby's command line
5784,55367,808maven_gemMavenGem is a tool, library, and gem plugin to install any Maven-published Java library...
5887,01333,464joAn implementation of goroutines and channels for Ruby
5988,53138,090javasandSandbox support for JRuby. Only usable with JRuby
6089,20445,971java_inlineA set of plugins for RubyInline to allow embedding JVM languages into Ruby code running...
6189,59567,808ruby2javaThe Ruby2Java compiler inspects the *runtime* definition of classes to produce a normal...
6292,22767,808markdown_metaMeta-gem for markdown parsing
6393,18067,808boingA command running that's aware of the Drip prebooter for JRuby.
6494,47267,808forkjoinA JRuby extension to efficiently wrap the JSR166 Fork/Join framework.
6596,66467,808mirah_modelMirah Model is a ORM library for App Engine's datastore. It is inspired by ActiveRecord...
6699,20345,971jruby-spymemcachedA JRuby extension wrapping the spymemcached library
67104,23645,971dashing-jrubyThis framework lets you build & easily layout dashboards with your own custom widge...
68116,14467,808mongrel_jclusterMongrel plugin that provides commands for managing multiple Mongrel processes in a JVM.
69123,88045,971jsr166yA gem wrapping the jsr166y.jar file for Java 7's java.util.concurrent features
71129,66345,971jruby_gc_statsA set of GC-monitoring methods for JRuby similar to those in Ruby Enterprise Edition
72135,37438,090lazy_enumeratorA pure-Ruby implementation of Ruby 2.0's Enumerator::Lazy
73141,24567,808rubytidyA tool to mimic "perltidy" for tidying up Ruby source
74166,02945,971jruby-async-profilerThis gem contains the sources and build scripts to build the async-profiler JVM plugin....