Raul's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,2286,916ptPivotal Tracker Command Line Interface
251,77763,432translate_routesTranslates the Rails routes of your application into the languages defined in your loca...
351,95663,432gemstoneA new gem generator. Nothing more, nothing less.
458,88163,432airport_mac_changerScript to change your Airport's MAC address
575,92325,458retry_uptoadds some useful options to retry code blocks
698,54930,305rack-fontsWraps Rack::Static by adding useful headers to serve web fonts.
7126,89863,432log_shusherSilence your Rails logs under certain conditions.
8145,00641,916puma_file_restartPuma plugin to restart Puma automatically when a file gets modified.
9146,27641,916rack-uppercaseRack middleware to uppercase your app's responses, built as an example/demo.
10146,46541,916rack-generatorRack middleware generator