1 | 172,788 | 22,994 | bp3-hello-world | Bp3::Hello::World is an example BP3 plugin. |
2 | 177,520 | 22,994 | bp3-formtastic | bp3-formtastic adapts formtastic for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3). |
3 | 177,984 | 24,241 | bp3-core | bp3-core provides core concerns for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3). |
4 | 178,201 | 24,241 | bp3-action_dispatch | bp3-action_dispatch adapts ActionDispatch::Request for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3). |
5 | 178,281 | 24,241 | bp3-activestorage | bp3-activestorage adapts activestorage for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3). |
6 | 178,353 | 24,241 | bp3-activeadmin | bp3-activeadmin adapts activeadmin for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3). |
7 | 179,033 | 21,937 | bp3-noticed | bp3-noticed adapts noticed for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3). |
8 | 179,114 | 24,241 | bp3-string | bp3-string adapts the String class for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3). |
9 | 179,350 | 24,241 | bp3-actiontext | bp3-actiontext adapts actiontext for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3). |
10 | 179,483 | 22,994 | bp3-request_state | bp3-request_state provides the Bp3::RequestState::Base class for BP3 (persuavis/black_p... |
11 | 180,499 | 24,241 | bp3-railties | bp3-railties adapts friendly_id for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3). |
12 | 180,507 | 24,241 | bp3-pg_search | bp3-pg_search adapts pg_search for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3). |
13 | 180,517 | 24,241 | bp3-paper_trail | bp3-paper_trail adapts paper_trail for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3). |
14 | 180,570 | 24,241 | bp3-friendly_id | bp3-friendly_id adapts friendly_id for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3). |
15 | 181,066 | 22,994 | bp3-hello-engine | Bp3::Hello::Engine is an example BP3 Rails engine that 'says hello' |