Hgmnz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,7932,788truncate_htmlTruncates html so you don't have to
26,6897,635fernetDelicious HMAC Digest(if) authentication and AES-128-CBC encryption
36,9937,775valcroValcro is a validation library for arbitrary ruby objects. I's primary goal is to remai...
417,70661,367legacy-fernetDelicious HMAC Digest(if) authentication and encryption
532,65261,367keikokucKeikoku client
645,9809,821batcherAllows you to process many records in batches. Similar to #find_each in ActiveRecord, b...
759,85441,086purobuBlack-box integration test framework for components on the Heroku platform.
893,94261,367herodotusReads your git tags and commit messages to keep the changelog updated
998,25133,893peegeeIntroduces ActiveRecord to PostgreSQL, adding support for PostgreSQL specific features.
10111,06861,367antipodrFinds the antipodal point of anywhere on earth (and beyond).