Patsu189's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
159,20553,556boardintel_frenzy_bunniesRabbitMQ JRuby based workers on top of march_hare
2115,32786,038bbergMakes the Bloomberg Java API available from jruby - in ruby friendly manner.
3126,54386,038sundbp-wheneverClean ruby syntax for defining and deploying messy cron jobs.
4127,24586,038sundbp-extlibSupport library for DataMapper and Merb
5128,15886,038sundbp-dm-polymorphicDataMapper plugin enabling simple ActiveRecord style polymorphism
6131,95586,038rfreechartA thin jruby wrapper for jfreechart (mainly just a way to load the jars in a structured...
7131,99386,038rriRuby/R Interface - A wrapper of jri (Java/R Interface) for JRuby
8132,17386,038rcommonsmathA thin jruby wrapper for commons-math (mainly just a way to load the jars in a structur...
9133,39886,038rswtA thin jruby wrapper for SWT (mainly just for loading the jars in a structured way)
10152,17786,038fluent-plugin-riemann-tulosRiemann output plugin for Fluent