1 | 5,648 | 5,857 | reretryable | Runs a code block, and retries it when an exception occurs. Simple as'at. |
2 | 24,472 | 35,677 | servel | Serves files and directories over HTTP. |
3 | 36,537 | 59,086 | mangos | A collection of manga or comics is a directory (the container) containing 1..* director... |
4 | 37,352 | 59,086 | deba | Deba takes a HTML document or fragment and extracts the textual content into a plaintex... |
5 | 48,832 | 35,677 | versioned_record | Version ActiveRecord models using composite primary keys |
6 | 54,123 | 59,086 | storys | A collection of stories is a directory (the container) containing 1..* HTML files (stor... |
7 | 67,617 | 59,086 | videos | A collection of videos is a directory (the container) containing both video files and d... |
8 | 108,459 | 59,086 | nsf | The gem facilitates conversion of text and HTML documents into NSF, as well as converti... |
9 | 122,070 | 59,086 | webstats | Monitor server CPU/Memory/Disk Usage/URL Loading, so that you can view those statistics... |
10 | 125,256 | 59,086 | bloopletech-rtags | This is the original commit of the rtags source code as written by Keiju ISHITSUKA as p... |
11 | 138,447 | 35,677 | kyoyu_ishiki | Serves files and directories over HTTP. |
12 | 164,006 | 59,086 | panner | Panner pans for website gold. |