Fixlr's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,3145,777codemirror-railsThis gem provides CodeMirror assets for your Rails application.
25,3325,822memoizerMemoizer caches the results of your method calls, works well with methods that accept a...
320,28356,953guard-gulpGuard::Gulp automatically starts/stops/restarts gulp
421,96122,568polymorpheusProvides a database-friendly method for polymorphic relationships
526,54023,228remotelyRemote API based model associations.
634,85532,838seederKeep your app's seed data in one file and update it easily
739,23756,953sort_authorityString ordering for humans.
8111,68579,666resque-assurancesCollection of resque plugins that individually provide specific assurances about how re...