Helios's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,0338,513bioBioRuby is a library for bioinformatics (biology + information science).
214,44061,367bio-samtoolsBinder of samtools for ruby, on the top of FFI. This project was born from the need...
316,41961,367bio-gemBiogem is a software generator for those bioinformaticans who want to start coding an a...
436,91561,367bio-ngsbio-ngs provides a framework for handling NGS data with BioRuby
548,18561,367torque_rmTORQUE Resource Manager for Ruby. Submit, check and control your job directly from Ruby.
680,86861,367bio-kb-illuminaProvide access to the IlluminaHumanAnnotations. Database comes form Bioconductor's pack...
783,37661,367bio-coreBioruby core plugins
8105,84861,367bio-gfastqcBioinformatics. Aggregate FastQC (quality control for Next Generation Sequencing -NGS-)...
9116,17761,367bio-biolinuxMeta package for BioLinux distribution: bio-core, bio-core-ext
10116,19361,367bio-core-extBioRuby plugins with dependecies from external library or tools
11124,82061,367rdf-vcfThis is an RDF.rb reader plugin for Variant Call Format (VCF) files, widely used in...