Yuryk's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,4819,441gsm_encoderGSMEncoder encodes and decodes Ruby Strings to and from the SMS default alphabet. It al...
26,1184,293anjlab-bootstrap-railsBootstrap CSS (with Sass flavour) and JS toolkits for Rails 3 projects
37,8769,247bootstrap-glyphiconsbootstrap glyphicons scss
49,58311,049rubyfishPort of http://github.com/sunlightlabs/jellyfish
513,34778,154ibMagic rubymotion ib outlets support
615,0408,818anjlab-widgetsCollection of UI widgets on top of anjlab-bootstrap-rails. Datepicker and Timepicker fo...
715,24911,710excel2csvgem for converting Excel files to csv
815,57525,504role-railsjQuery plugin to provide easy way to handle DOM elements by role attribute
919,38578,154pushappPush your App
1026,94120,644coffee-viewsAllows you to create .js.coffee views
1134,16578,154mechanize_clipDownloads files to temp files with Mechanize gem
1234,48078,154panoSplit and fuse images for pano
1335,96523,367devise_oauthThe OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework draft-ietf-oauth-v2-28 implementation on top of d...
1437,79320,644anjlab-ruby-smppRuby implementation of the SMPP protocol, based on EventMachine. SMPP is a protocol tha...
1542,25178,154yandex-diskRuby client for Yandex.Disk
1653,00423,367anjlab-devise-oauth2-providableRails3 engine that adds OAuth2 Provider support to any application built with Devise au...
1756,01278,154pusher.ioVery basic implementation of pusherapp.com api subset on top of socket.io.
1868,42378,154uploadsSimplified uploads for rails
1969,64578,154smpp_encodingEncodings for ruby-smpp gem
2090,33278,154mswordWork with MS Word doc files with ruby
21100,59178,154yury-twineTwine is a command line tool for managing your strings and their translations. It is...
22100,66245,714anjlab-backbone-on-railsA simple gem for using Backbone with Rails (>= 3.1), based on thoughtbot's 'Backbone.js...
23121,26445,714appboostSimple set up blazing unicorn nginx tools