1 | 345 | 669 | foreman | Process manager for applications with multiple components |
2 | 5,273 | 24,362 | taps | A simple database agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database. |
3 | 7,156 | 13,306 | rack-maintenance | Detect and show a maintenance page |
4 | 9,414 | 66,923 | vulcan | Build software in the cloud |
5 | 9,578 | 66,923 | anvil-cli | Alternate Heroku build workflow |
6 | 21,243 | 30,535 | parka | Simple gem building using bundler |
7 | 24,330 | 43,406 | distributor | TCP Multiplexer |
8 | 25,298 | 19,773 | mason | Build things |
9 | 25,552 | 66,923 | asset-resource | Manage CSS/JS assets as dynamic resources rather than static files |
10 | 29,018 | 66,923 | rack-debug | Rack::Debug is a middleware that provides a simple interface to ruby-debug. Helps debug... |
11 | 30,719 | 17,167 | github-backup | Library and command line tool for backing up GitHub repositories |
12 | 31,130 | 43,406 | heroku_backup_task | Automate your Heroku backups. Many thanks & kudos to David for writing this gem. |
13 | 37,001 | 66,923 | gem-prune | Identify and remove old gems |
14 | 42,551 | 66,923 | eve-api | EVE API Support |
15 | 44,261 | 66,923 | libdir | Add library paths |
16 | 46,773 | 22,483 | relaxed-job | A job system based in CouchDB |
17 | 51,442 | 24,362 | sinatra-croon | Create documentation for an API built in Sinatra. |
18 | 52,739 | 24,362 | remember-the-ruby | http://peervoice.com/software/remember-the-ruby |
19 | 55,995 | 66,923 | vimmy | Manage vim plugins using pathogen |
20 | 56,157 | 66,923 | gem-github | Show Github-related stats of the same gem from different users |
21 | 56,669 | 66,923 | heroku-autoscale | Autoscale your Heroku dynos |
22 | 59,310 | 66,923 | rack-environment | Rack middleware to set ENVironment variables around your app. |
23 | 63,517 | 66,923 | buckshot | Helper for switching between shotgun and thin |
24 | 74,948 | 30,535 | sinatra-cache-assets | Add a Cache-Control header to your static assets |
25 | 84,270 | 66,923 | ddollar-test-gem | longer description of your gem |
26 | 86,292 | 66,923 | git-db | Database-based git server |
27 | 87,574 | 66,923 | gem-whois | Show information about the owner of a gem |
28 | 96,140 | 66,923 | heroku-environment | Push and pull Heroku environments for local use |
29 | 111,518 | 66,923 | dashboard | Task aggregator and manager |
30 | 117,889 | 66,923 | rack-profile | Rack::Profile lets you easily profile your Rack application |
31 | 120,111 | 66,923 | gem-github-stats | Show Github-related stats of the same gem from different users |
32 | 120,242 | 43,406 | foofred | longer description of your gem |
33 | 121,527 | 66,923 | clink | Build a command line interface over HTTP |
34 | 123,200 | 66,923 | rack-counter | Hit counter Rack Middleware using Memcached |
35 | 125,346 | 66,923 | project-root | Add library paths |
36 | 125,500 | 43,406 | octotest | Run your tests on multiple rubies |
37 | 125,639 | 43,406 | proxy-object | Add proxy methods easily |
38 | 125,940 | 43,406 | sinatra-api-docs | Create documentation for an API built in Sinatra. |
39 | 126,179 | 43,406 | simple-parser | Simple parser |
40 | 156,117 | 66,923 | convox | Convox API Client |