Ddollar's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1347741foremanProcess manager for applications with multiple components
25,30432,148tapsA simple database agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database.
37,19711,421rack-maintenanceDetect and show a maintenance page
49,47740,303vulcanBuild software in the cloud
59,625103,630anvil-cliAlternate Heroku build workflow
621,32123,155parkaSimple gem building using bundler
724,41614,726distributorTCP Multiplexer
825,398103,630masonBuild things
925,641103,630asset-resourceManage CSS/JS assets as dynamic resources rather than static files
1029,14040,303rack-debugRack::Debug is a middleware that provides a simple interface to ruby-debug. Helps debug...
1130,835103,630github-backupLibrary and command line tool for backing up GitHub repositories
1231,273103,630heroku_backup_taskAutomate your Heroku backups. Many thanks & kudos to David for writing this gem.
1337,13120,065gem-pruneIdentify and remove old gems
1442,67721,433eve-apiEVE API Support
1544,376103,630libdirAdd library paths
1646,92740,303relaxed-jobA job system based in CouchDB
1751,60440,303sinatra-croonCreate documentation for an API built in Sinatra.
1956,15840,303vimmyManage vim plugins using pathogen
2056,32925,255gem-githubShow Github-related stats of the same gem from different users
2156,84740,303heroku-autoscaleAutoscale your Heroku dynos
2259,48840,303rack-environmentRack middleware to set ENVironment variables around your app.
2363,650103,630buckshotHelper for switching between shotgun and thin
2475,12632,148sinatra-cache-assetsAdd a Cache-Control header to your static assets
2584,46632,148ddollar-test-gemlonger description of your gem
2686,492103,630git-dbDatabase-based git server
2787,78832,148gem-whoisShow information about the owner of a gem
2896,446103,630heroku-environmentPush and pull Heroku environments for local use
29111,71140,303dashboardTask aggregator and manager
30118,16540,303rack-profileRack::Profile lets you easily profile your Rack application
31120,32840,303gem-github-statsShow Github-related stats of the same gem from different users
32120,46340,303foofredlonger description of your gem
33121,737103,630clinkBuild a command line interface over HTTP
34123,46340,303rack-counterHit counter Rack Middleware using Memcached
35125,61040,303project-rootAdd library paths
36125,741103,630octotestRun your tests on multiple rubies
37125,91140,303proxy-objectAdd proxy methods easily
38126,21540,303sinatra-api-docsCreate documentation for an API built in Sinatra.
39126,47640,303simple-parserSimple parser
40156,261103,630convoxConvox API Client