#190's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17491,243ffakerFfaker generates dummy data.
220,29922,984fireringCampfire API interface powered by eventmachine em-http-request and yajl-ruby.
345,31919,502sets_uuidAdds declarative uuid attribute initialization to models
445,84057,505load_data_infileMySQL LOAD DATA INFILE support for ActiveRecord
548,16157,505flexselectFor rails applications, requires jQuery
654,03957,505risbnUtils to handle isbns
766,09957,505irc_parserA ruby 1.9.x library to parse and generate IRC messages according to the IRC definition
873,21730,732zentradiminimalistic tools for accessing mongodb
995,23357,505weak_hasha hash that stores objects until they are garbage collected
10104,69457,505lfsrThe generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance. A Linear Fe...
11120,71757,505rack-httperflograck middleware to generate a replay log