#1901's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,56532,207jspecJavaScript BDD Testing Framework
222,17428,693guard-webpackGuard plugin for Webpack
369,66128,693wemoteWemote is a Ruby-agnostic gem for Wemo light switches
476,42245,403huemoteHuemote is a Ruby gem for managing Philips Hue lights
588,01062,315myRuby template and configuration manager
688,060105,340filtbefore and after filter support for Ruby
794,976105,340rubinsteinRuby text-adventure game engine
8112,241105,340jaspecA stupid simple Jasmine spec-runner for AMD modules
9151,553105,340guard-jaspecGuard plugin for Jaspec
10156,507105,340grawlixTranslate your strings into grawlixes.
11166,508105,340tivoA convention-based web-request stubbing mechanism.