Georgeguimaraes's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1171226deviseFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
2384312faraday-http-cacheMiddleware to handle HTTP caching
3531801simple_formForms made easy!
434,15477,965hermesA few testing facilities built on top of Capybara and ActiveSupport::TestCase
559,493117,678responders_backportBringing Rails 3 Responders to your obsolete Rails 2.3.x apps =)
662,070117,678github-hookergithub-hooker creates and deletes hooks in your github repository
781,438117,678hurley-http-cacheHurley connection to handle HTTP caching
8103,40377,965active_attributesYour MaybeSQL to rule them all