1 | 170 | 200 | devise | Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden |
2 | 390 | 295 | faraday-http-cache | Middleware to handle HTTP caching |
3 | 531 | 632 | simple_form | Forms made easy! |
4 | 33,780 | 65,653 | hermes | A few testing facilities built on top of Capybara and ActiveSupport::TestCase |
5 | 58,750 | 108,042 | responders_backport | Bringing Rails 3 Responders to your obsolete Rails 2.3.x apps =) |
6 | 61,525 | 31,778 | github-hooker | github-hooker creates and deletes hooks in your github repository |
7 | 80,853 | 108,042 | hurley-http-cache | Hurley connection to handle HTTP caching |
8 | 102,746 | 108,042 | active_attributes | Your MaybeSQL to rule them all |