#1910's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122,63111,523itunes-search-apiRuby interface to the ITunes Search API
222,75054,789rspreedlyRuby library for the Spreedly API
330,15532,525mm-multi-parameter-attributesTiny plugin for MongoMapper to add multi-parameter attributes
448,62032,525mm-sluggableTiny plugin for MongoMapper to cache a slugged version of a field
548,70854,789mm-sanitizeTiny plugin for MongoMapper to sanitize strings before validation.
655,70554,789dm-userstampDataMapper plugin to add automatic updating of created_by_id and updated_by_id attributes
763,27954,789mm-referenced-treeYet another tree plugin for MongoMapper, built with an array of reference numbers
875,85054,789mm-stripperTiny plugin for MongoMapper to strip whitespace from strings before validation.
987,32154,789mm-paranoidTiny plugin for MongoMapper to set deleted_at instead of actually deleting the record.
1094,37954,789mm-lockdownTiny plugin for MongoMapper to strip unknown fields on assignment.
11120,31932,525erbmicha-spreedlyThis gem is a wrapper for the Spreedly Web Services API
12120,62654,789giraffeGenerate graphs of your Rails app's partials
13126,04854,789mm-custom-functionsEasily manage custom MongoDB functions with MongoMapper
14126,65354,789voorheesLibrary to consume and interract with JSON services