1 | 22,631 | 11,523 | itunes-search-api | Ruby interface to the ITunes Search API |
2 | 22,750 | 54,789 | rspreedly | Ruby library for the Spreedly API |
3 | 30,155 | 32,525 | mm-multi-parameter-attributes | Tiny plugin for MongoMapper to add multi-parameter attributes |
4 | 48,620 | 32,525 | mm-sluggable | Tiny plugin for MongoMapper to cache a slugged version of a field |
5 | 48,708 | 54,789 | mm-sanitize | Tiny plugin for MongoMapper to sanitize strings before validation. |
6 | 55,705 | 54,789 | dm-userstamp | DataMapper plugin to add automatic updating of created_by_id and updated_by_id attributes |
7 | 63,279 | 54,789 | mm-referenced-tree | Yet another tree plugin for MongoMapper, built with an array of reference numbers |
8 | 75,850 | 54,789 | mm-stripper | Tiny plugin for MongoMapper to strip whitespace from strings before validation. |
9 | 87,321 | 54,789 | mm-paranoid | Tiny plugin for MongoMapper to set deleted_at instead of actually deleting the record. |
10 | 94,379 | 54,789 | mm-lockdown | Tiny plugin for MongoMapper to strip unknown fields on assignment. |
11 | 120,319 | 32,525 | erbmicha-spreedly | This gem is a wrapper for the Spreedly Web Services API |
12 | 120,626 | 54,789 | giraffe | Generate graphs of your Rails app's partials |
13 | 126,048 | 54,789 | mm-custom-functions | Easily manage custom MongoDB functions with MongoMapper |
14 | 126,653 | 54,789 | voorhees | Library to consume and interract with JSON services |