1 | 930 | 1,098 | clamp | Clamp provides an object-model for command-line utilities.
It handles parsing of comman... |
2 | 3,683 | 9,821 | sham_rack | ShamRack plumbs Net::HTTP directly into Rack, for quick and easy HTTP testing. |
3 | 10,203 | 7,963 | console_logger | A Logger customised for console output. |
4 | 10,345 | 7,311 | config_mapper | Maps config data onto plain old objects |
5 | 10,777 | 8,513 | config_hound | Sniffs out config, wherever it may be. |
6 | 11,460 | 23,402 | representative | Builds XML and JSON representations of your Ruby objects |
7 | 11,833 | 8,353 | cloud_shaped | CloudShaped makes it easier to generate CloudFormation templates, using a Builder-like ... |
8 | 15,323 | 61,367 | ssssh | "ssssh" is a small tool that can be used to encrypt and decrypt secrets, using the AWS ... |
9 | 15,571 | 21,627 | rspec-longrun | An RSpec formatter for long-running specs. |
10 | 17,891 | 21,627 | blobby | Various ways of storing BLOBs |
11 | 19,937 | 12,281 | pith | Pith builds static websites, using markup/template languages including Haml, Sass, ERb,... |
12 | 20,579 | 41,086 | another_enum | Support for defining enumerated types |
13 | 21,106 | 41,086 | representative_view | Builds XML and JSON from a single view template |
14 | 21,309 | 29,456 | lazily | Lazily implements "lazy" versions of many Enumerable methods,
allowing streamed pro... |
15 | 23,233 | 41,086 | arboreal | Arboreal is yet another extension to ActiveRecord to support tree-shaped data structure... |
16 | 24,463 | 25,716 | fake-aws-sdk | Fake implementation of AWS SDK |
17 | 26,698 | 33,893 | newrelic-webmachine | NewRelic instrumentation for Webmachine. |
18 | 29,395 | 61,367 | swa | AWS, backwards |
19 | 31,566 | 61,367 | json-sequence | Push parser for RFC7464 JSON Sequences |
20 | 35,860 | 41,086 | gem_require | This gem adds the `gem require` command. It's almost identical to `gem install`,
excep... |
21 | 44,122 | 61,367 | wikiwah | WikiWah is a text-to-HTML converter, along the lines of Markdown.
This isn't the mar... |
22 | 45,537 | 61,367 | eyeliner | Eyeliner puts CSS makeup on your HTML emails. |
23 | 52,762 | 61,367 | enumerating | Enumerating extends Enumerable with "lazy" versions of various operations, allowing str... |
24 | 53,108 | 61,367 | hoick | Hoick is a command-line HTTP client. It's intended mainly as a tool for testing RESTfu... |
25 | 57,088 | 23,402 | platform1 | A thin wrapper around Passenger Standalone. |
26 | 69,636 | 29,456 | omniauth-dex-energy | an OmniAuth strategy for authenticating with deX |
27 | 73,162 | 61,367 | rack-livejs | Reload web-pages automatically |
28 | 79,163 | 61,367 | basketcase | BasketCase is a (Ruby) script that encapsulates the Rational ClearCase command-line int... |
29 | 80,318 | 61,367 | greenscreen | GreenScreen is a build monitoring tool that is designed to be used as a dynamic Big Vis... |
30 | 80,370 | 61,367 | trunction | Trunction implements intelligent truncation of HTML text. |
31 | 83,300 | 61,367 | blobby-s3 | Store BLOBs in S3 |
32 | 91,417 | 61,367 | enumerable_fu | EnumerableFu extends Enumerable with "lazy" versions of various operations, allowing st... |
33 | 91,517 | 23,402 | pager_judy | a Ruby client and CLI for PagerDuty |
34 | 93,679 | 61,367 | docker-shaball | Create a tar-ball containing some Docker images |
35 | 95,350 | 61,367 | ituner | control iTunes using Ruby |
36 | 101,888 | 61,367 | green_log | Structured logging for cloud-native systems. |
37 | 102,469 | 61,367 | blobby-gcs | Store BLOBs in Google Cloud Storage |
38 | 106,643 | 61,367 | wherever | Provides syntax sugar for Ruby predicate blocks |
39 | 118,305 | 41,086 | docker-image-map | Visualize docker image history |
40 | 121,960 | 61,367 | shipper | Shipper provides a simple way to deploy Docker-ised web-applications in AWS. |
41 | 149,346 | 61,367 | docker_map | Visualize docker image history |
42 | 153,637 | 41,086 | nemweb | A Ruby client for nemweb.com.au |