1 | 3,958 | 2,890 | watchr | Modern continious testing (flexible alternative to autotest). |
2 | 5,398 | 4,656 | unindent | Ruby method to unindent strings. Useful for multiline strings embeded in already indent... |
3 | 7,312 | 12,867 | rack-accept-media-types | Rack middleware for simplified handling of Accept header. Accept header parser. |
4 | 7,415 | 13,176 | rack-respond_to | Rack middleware port of Rails's respond_to feature. |
5 | 21,847 | 37,098 | phocus | Tell test/unit exactly which tests you want run. It will ignore all the other ones and ... |
6 | 27,480 | 53,842 | mynyml-redgreen | Standalone redgreen eye candy for test results, ala autotest. |
7 | 34,383 | 72,875 | harmony | Javascript + DOM in your ruby, the simple way. |
8 | 40,848 | 72,875 | nanotest | Extremely mynymal test framework. Perfect for DIY lovers. Nanotest provides the bare my... |
9 | 53,680 | 53,842 | rack-abstract-format | Rack middleware that abstracts format (extension) away from the path (into env). |
10 | 55,804 | 53,842 | tmptation | Classes that help safely manipulate temporary files and directories. |
11 | 60,046 | 72,875 | nanotest_extensions | Nano extensions for nanotest. |
12 | 66,754 | 72,875 | holygrail | The Holy Grail of testing for front-end development; execute browser-less, console-base... |
13 | 68,353 | 72,875 | rack-supported-media-types | Rack middleware to specify an app's supported media types. Returns '406 Not Acceptable'... |
14 | 80,264 | 72,875 | every | Symbol#to_proc's hot cousin. Simple and elegant alternative to using &:method with enum... |
15 | 87,047 | 72,875 | mynyml-override | Provides a simple and elegant alternative to alias_method_chain for redifining methods,... |
16 | 121,774 | 72,875 | simple_router | Simple, minimalistic, standalone router meant to be used with pure rack applications. |
17 | 122,577 | 72,875 | nanocontexts | Extremely mynymal contexts with setups and teardowns. Perfect for DIY lovers. NanoConte... |
18 | 123,018 | 72,875 | nanotest_spec | nanotest extension that allows asserting using obj.must / obj.wont. |
19 | 125,685 | 72,875 | swap | Organically replace/restore, stub/unstub methods. |