Mynyml's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,9582,890watchrModern continious testing (flexible alternative to autotest).
25,3984,656unindentRuby method to unindent strings. Useful for multiline strings embeded in already indent...
37,31212,867rack-accept-media-typesRack middleware for simplified handling of Accept header. Accept header parser.
47,41513,176rack-respond_toRack middleware port of Rails's respond_to feature.
521,84737,098phocusTell test/unit exactly which tests you want run. It will ignore all the other ones and ...
627,48053,842mynyml-redgreenStandalone redgreen eye candy for test results, ala autotest.
734,38372,875harmonyJavascript + DOM in your ruby, the simple way.
840,84872,875nanotestExtremely mynymal test framework. Perfect for DIY lovers. Nanotest provides the bare my...
953,68053,842rack-abstract-formatRack middleware that abstracts format (extension) away from the path (into env).
1055,80453,842tmptationClasses that help safely manipulate temporary files and directories.
1160,04672,875nanotest_extensionsNano extensions for nanotest.
1266,75472,875holygrailThe Holy Grail of testing for front-end development; execute browser-less, console-base...
1368,35372,875rack-supported-media-typesRack middleware to specify an app's supported media types. Returns '406 Not Acceptable'...
1480,26472,875everySymbol#to_proc's hot cousin. Simple and elegant alternative to using &:method with enum...
1587,04772,875mynyml-overrideProvides a simple and elegant alternative to alias_method_chain for redifining methods,...
16121,77472,875simple_routerSimple, minimalistic, standalone router meant to be used with pure rack applications.
17122,57772,875nanocontextsExtremely mynymal contexts with setups and teardowns. Perfect for DIY lovers. NanoConte...
18123,01872,875nanotest_specnanotest extension that allows asserting using obj.must / obj.wont.
19125,68572,875swapOrganically replace/restore, stub/unstub methods.