Aphyr's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,28710,473riemann-clientClient for the distributed event system Riemann.
22,29410,473mtrcMinimal metric aggregation.
33,6725,543innertubeBecause everyone needs their own pool library.
46,16510,831riemann-toolsCollection of utilities which submit events to Riemann,
516,31626,609riemann-dashHTTP dashboard for the distributed event system Riemann.
616,59642,025cortex-reaverA dangerous Ruby blog engine, with a photographic memory.
729,49242,025constructExtensible, persistent, structured configuration for Ruby.
830,68086,038riskyA lightweight Ruby ORM for Riak.
939,21686,038bitcaskAn (incomplete) interface to the Bitcask storage system
1039,36086,038salticidRun commands over SSH, with Ruby magic.
1141,49586,038ustate-clientClient for the distributed state server ustate.
1245,88486,038riemann-mongodbMongoDB clients to submits metrics to Riemann.
1386,87486,038exocoraA small framework for cgi scripts
1494,56086,038vodpodRuby bindings for the Vodpod API.
15109,06886,038producer_consumerA tiny threaded queue-backed producer-consumer.
16138,91253,556meangirlsSerializable data types for eventually consistent systems.