#1947's Gems
# | Total Rank | Daily Rank | Name | Summary |
1 | 97,257 | 49,180 | rack-mock-pubcookie | Rack middleware to fake some environment variables that make it seem like mod_pubco... |
2 | 115,752 | 49,180 | oa-env | An OmniAuth strategy that uses the REMOTE_USER env set by the web server. |
3 | 118,350 | 49,180 | campusbooks | A Ruby library for accessing the CampusBooks.com API |
4 | 126,983 | 32,864 | ical_builder | An iCalendar generator in Ruby, modelled after Jim Weirich's Builder |
5 | 130,416 | 49,180 | oa-webiso | OmniAuth strategy for using WebISO at Carnegie Mellon |