Hongli's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,1941,854passengerA modern web server and application server for Ruby, Python and Node.js, optimized for ...
21,3663,050default_value_forThe default_value_for plugin allows one to define default values for ActiveRecord model...
32,0265,547daemon_controllerA library for robust daemon management.
44,1305,302digest-sha3The SHA-3 (Keccak) hash.
516,18726,609crash-watchMonitor processes and display useful information when they crash.
626,02842,025mizuhoA documentation formatting tool. Mizuho converts Asciidoc input files into nicely outpu...
730,97415,080eurovatA utility library for dealing with European Union VAT numbers
844,99935,920union_station_hooks_coreUnion Station Ruby hooks core code.
965,33586,038phusion-backupSimple backup tool utilizing rdiff-backup.
1082,86186,038sheetsapiA simple API for writing to Google Sheets
11115,71553,556union_station_hooks_railsUnion Station Rails hooks.
12126,23386,038work_batcherLibrary for batching work.
13149,67086,038distributed-lock-google-cloud-storageA distributed lock based on Google Cloud Storage
14178,77353,556debendenciesScans executables and shared libraries for their shared library dependencies, and outpu...