Praveensinha's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,73663,432photofyA simple gem to add accessors on rails models for file upload of pictures/assets (which...
240,01363,432gutterA low-overhead monitoring web dashboard for a GNU/Linux machine. Simply drop-in the app...
340,47963,432serialized_attr_accessorsattribute accessor generator using sattr_accessor (with default field :serialized_optio...
452,18963,432zero_authorizationFunctionality to add authorization on Rails model's write operations plus any other set...
563,49763,432viewerjs-railsViewerjs's images, stylesheets and javascript files packed here to be used with Rails
673,22130,305duplicate_itA simple gem to duplicate a model instance, including its 'has_many' assocaitions. Adde...
776,42863,432familiarityA very simple engine to give an introduction of page(s) with finger pointing annotation...
890,55163,432beautified_urlBasic tool which provides feature of generating tokens which can be used in url for ide...