1 | 15,485 | 13,345 | boletosimples | Boleto Simples API wrapper. |
2 | 31,130 | 21,198 | cobregratis | Ruby Wrapper around Cobre GrĂ¡tis API. More info at: http://cobregratispec.com.br/doc/api |
3 | 31,817 | 28,088 | acts_as_hashed | ActsAsHashed is helpful to set a hash_code column based on SecureRandom.hex(16). |
4 | 41,460 | 21,198 | bipbop | bipbop is the best service for consulting brazilian data. See http://bipbop.com.br/ for... |
5 | 42,714 | 61,626 | omniauth-boletosimples | BoletoSimples strategy for OmniAuth |
6 | 90,024 | 61,626 | keyword_prospector | description of gem |
7 | 102,109 | 34,466 | catarse_wepay | Wepay integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform |
8 | 111,095 | 163,113 | smart_slug | SmartSlug creates slugs removing accents from strings |
9 | 137,415 | 80,049 | interfax-ruby | Ruby wrapper based on savon for Interfax SOAP API |