Geraldbauer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,9246,116textutilstextutils - Text Filters, Helpers, Readers and More
28,0588,039propsprops - Manage Settings Hierachies (Commandline, User, Home, Defaults, etc.)
38,5457,704iniparseriniparser - read / parse INI configuration, settings and data files into a hash (incl. ...
48,62516,936sportdbsportdb - sport.db Command Line Tool
58,8638,102logutilsAnother Logger
69,2476,630csvreadercsvreader - read tabular data in the comma-separated values (csv) format the right way ...
79,74323,130markdownMarkdown Engine Wrapper - Use Your Markdown Library of Choice
89,8466,757tabreadertabreader - read in tabular datafiles in text in the tabular (TAB) format
99,8606,663csvjsoncsvjson - read tabular data in the CSV <3 JSON format, that is, comma-separated values ...
109,8696,663csvyamlcsvyaml - read tabular data in the CSV <3 YAML format, that is, comma-separated values ...
1110,04047,825slideshowSlide Show (S9) - Write Your Slides in Plain Text w/ Formatting Conventions - A Free We...
1210,9998,706plutopluto - Another Planet Generator (Lets You Build Web Pages from Published Web Feeds)
1312,01337,925beerdbbeerdb - beer.db command line tool
1412,1358,871fetcherfetcher - Fetch Text Documents or Binary Blobs via HTTP, HTTPS
1512,4138,102pluto-modelspluto-models - planet schema 'n' models for easy (re)use
1612,7547,863worlddbworlddb - world.db command line tool
1712,8848,473feedparserfeedparser - web feed parser and normalizer (RSS, Atom, JSON Feed, HTML h-entry, etc.)
1812,8998,970pakmanpakman - Template Pack Manager (incl. Embedded Ruby, Liquid, etc.)
1913,1218,871activerecord-utilsactiverecord-utils - utilities (e.g. random, alias_attr, etc.) for activerecord
2013,1708,616pluto-updatepluto-update - planet feed 'n' subscription updater
2113,3798,970logutils-activerecordAnother Logger - Addon for Database Support (LogDb, Log Model etc.)
2213,5248,871pluto-taskspluto-tasks - planet rake tasks (setup, update, stats, etc.)
2313,6448,871feedfilterfeedfilter - feed filter and rules for easy (re)use
2413,7658,871activityutilsactivityutils - activity (timeline) utilities
2513,8298,473pluto-feedfetcherpluto-feedfetcher - fetch web feeds (w/ conditional HTTP get e.g. use etags, if-modifie...
2613,9258,970props-activerecordprops-activerecord - Manage Setting Hierachies Addon for Database Support (ConfDb, Prop...
2714,06612,536webclientwebclient gem - yet (another) universal network client interface for world wide web (ww...
2814,28223,130bytesbytes - bits 'n' bytes made easy/easier incl. new buffer helper / wrapper class to help...
2914,44819,954abicoderabicoder - 'lite' application binary interface (abi) encoding / decoding machinery / he...
3014,4968,970pluto-mergepluto-merge - planet site generator (that is, merge 'n' manage planet templates)
3114,49816,205cocoscocos (code commons) - auto-include quick-starter prelude & prolog
3214,5268,790date-formatterdate-formatter - date formatter by example; auto-builds the strftime format string from...
3314,62919,954abiparserabiparser - application binary interface (abi) parser machinery / helper for Ethereum &...
3414,69625,363digest-litedigest-lite - crypto(graphic) hash functions / classes - Digest::KeccakLite (512bit, 25...
3514,8466,116safeboolsafebool - safe bool / boolean type adds Bool(), to_b, parse_bool / to_bool, bool?, fal...
3615,9509,445opmlparseropmlparser - read / parse outlines (incl. feed subscription lists) in the OPML (Outline...
3722,32915,586sportdb-modelssportdb-models - sport.db schema 'n' models for easy (re)use
3823,67011,733sportdb-configsportdb-config - sport.db configuration settings and built-in defaults
3924,0579,920sportdb-readerssportdb-readers - sport.db readers for leagues, seasons, clubs, match schedules and res...
4026,09469,547sportdb-marketsportdb plugin for market quotes (odds, etc)
4127,53410,684sportdb-formatssportdb-formats - sport.db format and text utilities
4228,92316,205base58-alphabetsbase58-alphabets - base58 encoding / decoding numbers, hex or binary strings (incl. lea...
4330,61011,733pixelartpixelart - yes, you can! generate your own pixel art images (off-blockchain) using any ...
4434,14132,380datafiledatafile - builder for downloading n reading datasets
4535,08737,925factbookfactbook - umbrella - all together incl. factbook readers, writers 'n' importers
4635,60114,979worlddb-modelsworlddb - world.db schema 'n' models for easy (re)use
4736,46169,547activerecord-importeractiverecord-importer - Another Data Importer
4836,96825,363eventdbeventdb - event.db schema 'n' models for easy (re)use
4937,37369,547slideshow-modelsslideshow-models - slide show (S9) models 'n' machinery for easy (re)use
5040,72869,547feedutilsfeedutils - web feed parser and normalizer (RSS 2.0, Atom, etc.)
5142,30047,825tagutilstagutils - tag utilities (tag, taggings, tag list, etc.)
5242,56219,954hubbahubba - (yet) another (lite) GitHub HTTP API client / library
5342,73132,380kittyversekittyverse - helper classes for cattributes, trait types, traits, genes, genomes and mo...
5443,35132,380json-nextjson-next - read generation y / next generation json versions (HanSON, SON, JSONX/JSON1...
5544,22269,547pluto-adminplanet web admin - sintara web app ready to get mounted into your web app
5644,32469,547hybookhybook - hypertext book generator
5745,49316,205webservicewebservice - yet another HTTP JSON API (web service) builder
5845,68269,547sportwebsportweb - instant open sports web admin browser command line tool
5945,79669,547csvrecordcsvrecord - read in comma-separated values (csv) records with typed structs / schemas
6045,92316,205cryptopunkscryptopunks - generate your own 24×24 pixel punk images from text prompts incl. 2x/4x/8...
6147,03213,996monosmonos - monorepo / mono source tree tools and (startup) scripts
6247,63916,936date-formatsdate-formats - read / parse and print dates (and times) from around the world
6348,35319,954winedbwinedb - wine.db command line tool
6450,58469,547bookfilebookfile - builder for books
6550,80269,547dbbrowserdbbrowser - database browser (connections, schema, tables, records, etc.) as mountable ...
6651,25410,533yorobotyorbot gem - yo, robot - automate, automate, automate - ready to use scripts and comman...
6751,29414,979cryptopunks-guiCryptoPunks GUI for Simplified Minting - Built with Glimmer DSL for Tk (requires Active...
6851,41669,547sportdb-playsportdb plugin for plays (predictions, betting pool, etc.)
6953,02719,954gittigitti - (yet) another (lite) git command line helper / wrapper
7054,65147,825quikqk/quik - ruby quick starter template script wizard .:. the missing code generator
7156,30969,547persondbpersondb - person schema 'n' models for easy (re)use
7256,61716,936sportdb-syncsportdb-sync - sport.db sync helpers for leagues, seasons, clubs, match schedules and r...
7329,55761,045sportdb-servicesportdb-service - sport.db addon for web service (HTTP JSON API)
7457,77019,954footballdb-clubsfootballdb-clubs - the world's top football clubs
7558,16969,547sportdb-adminsportdb admin addon - rails engine
7660,19369,547beerdb-modelsbeerdb-models - beer.db schema 'n' models for easy (re)use
7760,29747,825blockchain-liteblockchain-lite - build your own blockchain with crypto hashes - revolutionize the wor...
7860,34415,586wikiscriptwikiscript - scripts for wikipedia (get wikitext for page, parse tables 'n' links, etc.)
7960,88718,756ellipticelliptic - elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) cryptography with OpenSSL...
8061,15169,547safestructsafestruct - safe data structures (array, hash, struct) - say goodbye to null / nil (an...
8161,38017,731universumuniversum - next generation ethereum 2.0 world computer runtime; run contract scripts /...
8261,94469,547copycatscopycats - command line tool (and core library) crypto cats / kitties collectibles unch...
8362,33969,547schemadocschemadoc - document your database schemas (tables, columns, etc.)
8463,48018,756alphabetsalphabets - alphabet (a-z) helpers incl. unaccent, downcase, variants, and more
8564,72211,963webgetwebget gem - a web (go get) crawler incl. web cache
8665,06319,954fifafifa - the world's football countries and codes (incl. non-member countries and irregul...
8766,57969,547beerdb-adminbeerdb admin addon - rails engine
8866,60721,409footballdb-leaguesfootballdb-leagues - the world's top football leagues 'n' cups
8967,11769,547enumsenums - safe enumeration types - a set of symbolic keys bound to unique integer numbers...
9067,62713,588punkspunks - generate your own 24×24 (or 32×32 or 12×12) punk (incl. Matt & John's® ye olde ...
9167,88232,380gitti-backupgitti-backup - (yet) another (lite) git backup command line script
9268,37969,547slideshow-serviceslideshow-service gem - convert markdown to slide shows
9368,56515,586crypto-litecrypto-lite - cryptographic secure hash functions and public key signature algorithms ...
9468,61069,547aboutabout - sys info (system information) about your computer, environment, runtime, libs, ...
9569,45769,547drjekylldrjekyll - the missing static site theme package manager
9669,61721,409mooncatsmooncats - mint your own mooncat pixel art images off chain using any of the 128 True ...
9769,68969,547recordrecord - named tuples / records with typed structs / schemas
9869,88469,547csvutilscsvutils - tools 'n' scripts for working with comma-separated values (csv) datafiles - ...
9972,62718,756monofilemonofile - read in / parse monorepo / mono source tree definitions - a list of git (and...
10076,40725,363base32-alphabetsbase32-alphabets - base32 (2^5) encoding / decoding in 5-bit groups with kai, crockford...
10176,87919,954flow-liteflow-lite gem - (yet) another (lite) workflow engine; let's you define your workflow st...
10277,12669,547kramdown-servicekramdown-service gem - kramdown HTTP JSON API service (convert markdown to HTML or LaTeX)
10377,54337,925foottyfootty - football.db command line tool for national & int'l football club leagues (& cu...
10477,94369,547manmanmanman - Manifest Manager
10577,94328,274worldliteworldlite - lightweight public domain country data (all data included as good ol' ruby ...
10678,30769,547csvhumancsvhuman - read tabular data in the CSV Humanitarian eXchange Language (HXL) format, t...
10781,09169,547sportdb-updatesportdb-update - sport.db addon for auto-updates (e.g. pulling n merging updates from u...
10882,77569,547feedtxtfeedtxt - reads Feed.TXT a.k.a. RSS (Really Simple Sharing) 5.0 ;-) - feeds in text (un...
10984,33819,954whatsonwhatson - what's on now command line tool (using the event.db machinery)
11084,34547,825newscastnewscast - newsreader for easy (re)use - build your own facebook newsfeed in 1-2-3 step...
11184,88332,380worlddb-adminworlddb admin addon - rails engine
11285,94169,547fizzbuzzerfizzbuzzer - 1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz, Fizz, 7, 8, Fizz, Buzz, 11, Fizz, 13, 14, Fizz Buzz, ...
11387,84147,825preprocpreproc - simple preprocessor (lets you include files in files in files etc.)
11488,86469,547gutenberggutenberg - the printing press for books (reinvented in ruby)
11589,02847,825centralbankcentralbank - print your own money / cryptocurrency; run your own federated central ban...
11689,56169,547persondb-modelspersondb-models - person schema 'n' models for easy (re)use
11789,72569,547linktolinkto - link_to helpers for google search, bing search, flickr photo search, flickr ph...
11890,50925,363pluto-newspluto-news - newsreader for easy (re)use - build your own facebook newsfeed in 1-2-3 st...
11990,73169,547catalogdbcatalogdb - catalog.db schema 'n' models for easy (re)use
12053,12459,487hoe-manifestHoe plugin - adds more manifest options.
12191,99469,547mrhyde-toolsmrhyde - jekyll command line tool .:. static site quick starter script wizard
12394,31125,363football-to-sqlitefootball-to-sqlite - load / read football.txt datafiles into a sqlite database
12495,73125,363units-timeunits-time - units of time (in epoch time) incl. seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, ...
12596,14347,825merkletreemerkletree - build your own crypto hash trees; named after Ralph Merkle who patented ha...
12696,24719,954sportdb-structssportdb-structs - sport data structures for matches, scores, leagues, seasons, rounds, ...
12797,08223,130sportdb-importerssportdb-importers - tools 'n' scripts for importing sports (football) data in alternate...
12897,21332,380worlddb-compatworlddb-compat - worlddb addon for backward compatibility (compat)
12997,75323,130originalsoriginals - do-it-yourself (DIY) - yes, you can! - Factory of Modern Originals (FoMO) ...
13098,94769,547rubycatrubycat - ruby (library) catalog (cards) command line tool (using the catalog.db machin...
13199,37169,547ledger-liteledger-lite - hyper ledger book for the distributed blockchain internet era; add your ...
132101,54769,547slideshow-templatesslideshow-templates - bundles builtin slide show (S9) templates 'n' snippets
133101,86928,274cryptoquotescryptoquotes - incl. oracle tool to get a random crypto quote of the day on the command...
134101,95628,274html-templatehtml-template - old-style classic HTML template language / engine like it's 1999 (incl....
135103,36328,274factbook-readersfactbook-readers - turn thee world factbook country profile pages into open structured ...
136104,50832,380sportdb-langssportdb-langs - sport.db language utilities
137105,28069,547hellohoeSample on how to use Hoe Rake tasks to build, package and publish gems.
13862,02718,371sportdb-textsportdb-text - tools 'n' scripts for sports (football) data in text incl. comma-separat...
139106,58316,205ethliteethlite - light-weight machinery to query / call ethereum (blockchain contract) service...
140106,63169,547michelsonmichelson - test simulator / runtime for type-safe 'n' functional (crypto) contracts
141107,13569,547bookmanbookman - yet another builder for books
142108,40369,547journaltxtjournaltxt - reads Journal.TXT and writes out (auto-builds) a blog (w/ Jekyll posts etc.)
143108,75732,380factbook-codesfactbook-codes - world factbook country codes (by region, by category, etc.)
144109,34069,547beerdb-notebeerdb-note gem - beer.db addon for notes, bookmarks, drinks, etc.
145109,57123,130score-formatsscore-formats - read / parse and print sports match scores (incl. half time, full time,...
146111,30869,547datamandataman - dataset manager using datafiles
14766,01214,458sportdb-clubssportdb-clubs - sport.db clubs reader and zero-config quick starter settings
148111,95669,547officetxtofficetxt (Office.TXT) - the free writer's command line tool suite
149114,06819,954webget-footballwebget-football - get football data via web pages or web api (json) calls
150114,92523,130readymadesreadymades - generate your own 24×24 pixel punk images (off-blockchain) from 1/1 origin...
151116,26847,825rsssfrsssf - tools 'n' scripts for RSSSF (Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation) archive data
153116,67869,547shillingshilling (or schilling) on the blockchain! rock-solid alpine dollar from austria; print...
154116,83628,274hubba-reportshubba-reports - auto-generate github statistics / analytics reports from github api dat...
155117,98032,380rubynewsrubynews - what's news in the ruby world? browse week by week
156118,54925,363moonbirdsmoonbirds - generate your own 42×42 (or lil' 24×24) pixel owl images (off-blockchain) f...
157122,33928,274soliditysolidity - (fuzzy) lexer & parser for (crypto) contracts for ethereum & co.
158122,40932,380units-moneyunits-money - units of (crypto) money (in integer) incl. ether / eth (finney, szabo, sh...
159122,87869,547ordinalsordinals gem - ordinals (inscription) api wrapper & helpers for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Doge...
160123,58532,380footballdata-12xpertfootballdata-12xpert - download, convert & import 22+ top football leagues from 25 seas...
161123,74469,547almost-sinatraalmost-sinatra - six lines of almost sinatra refactored and bundled up for easy (re)use...
162123,75932,380computercomputer gem - shell command line helper / wrapper 'n' more for your computer
163124,50869,547beerdb-labelsbeerdb-labels gem - beer labels (24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64) bundled for reuse w/ asset...
164125,05147,825worlddb-flagsworlddb-flags - country flags (24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64) bundled for reuse w/ asset p...
165126,30623,130profilepicprofilepic - profile pic(ture) as a service
16676,12726,207jekyll-planetjekyll-planet - add articles, blogs to your site via web feeds (and planet pluto)
167127,53732,380football-catfootball-cat - concatenate football.csv datafiles - make out of many, one
168128,17628,274backgroundsbackgrounds - generate your own unique pixel art background images (off chain) from tex...
169128,41925,363sportssports - sport data structures for matches, scores, leagues, seasons, rounds, groups, t...
170129,99069,547ostructerLets you build open structs from nested hashes, arrays and strings.
171130,68169,547bitcatbitcat - bit cat(alog) browser - browse your (digital) bit(s) collections; browse your ...
172132,66537,925kittypediakittypedia - (auto-)generate and update pages on cattributes, traits, fancies (normal, ...
173132,96737,925cryptopunks-graphqlcryptopunks-graphql - (lite) cryptopunks (http json) graphql api / client
174133,14269,547csvpackcsvpack - work with tabular data packages using comma-separated values (CSV) datafiles ...
17581,83519,284sportdb-importsportdb-import - tools 'n' scripts for importing sports (football) data in alternate (t...
176134,52537,925mooncats-graphqlmooncats-graphql - (lite) mooncats (http json) graphql api / client
177136,45937,925tulipmaniatulipmania - tulips on the blockchain; learn by example from the real world (anno 1637)...
178136,68637,925sportdb-catalogssportdb-catalogs - sport.db (search 'n' find) catalogs for countries, leagues, clubs, n...
179136,89969,547bitcoin-scriptbitcoin-script - bitcoin script test simulator / stack machine - code 'n' run your own ...
180138,80769,547beerdb-servicebeerdb-service gem - beer.db addon for web service (HTTP JSON API)
181139,35247,825worlddb-serviceworlddb plugin for web service/HTTP API (JSON/CSV/HTML)
182139,80569,547sportdb-keyssportdb-keys - sport.db addon for well known keys (e.g. EURO, EN, etc.) and model finde...
183141,51869,547sportdb-logossportdb-logos gem - sports team logos (24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64) bundled for reuse w/...
184142,86669,547octobookoctobok - book publishing tool for jekyll
185143,54469,547footballdbfootballdb - football.db.stats - add-on to sport.db for football stats etc.
186143,88047,825upmanupman - Update Manager in Ruby
187144,39417,731ethlite-contractsethlite-contracts - ready-to-use (blockchain) contract services / function calls for e...
188147,01547,825pandocpandoc - structured text document model / abstract syntax tree for all the world's formats
189147,13332,380football-sourcesfootball-sources - get football match data (leagues, cups & more) via web pages or web ...
190150,50269,547recordsrecords - frozen / immutable structs with copy on updates
191150,57469,547racingdbracingdb - sport.db addon for racing (e.g. formula 1, tour de france, ski racing, marat...
192150,84411,963sportdb-writerssportdb-writers - sport.db writers for match schedules and results, and more
193151,06732,380cyberpunkscyberpunks - generate your own cyberpunk (blade runner) sci-fi 32×32 pixel avatar image...
19491,70619,284sportdb-countriessportdb-countries - sport.db countries of the world reader and zero-config quick starte...
195151,75769,547markdown-servicemarkdown-service gem - markdown HTTP JSON API service
196152,04569,547markdown-toolsmarkdown-tools gem - markdown command line tools
197152,22769,547logutils-adminlogutils-admin - Another Logger Addon for Browsing Logs in Database (LogDb, Log Model e...
198153,58837,925commands-litecommmands-lite gem - (lite) commands 'n' options helper / wrapper / parser / runner
199153,67523,130abigen"high-level" all-in-one umbrella quick starter gem for easy installation & usage applic...
200156,61869,547fotosfotos - manage fotos on the command line
20197,47019,284sportdb-leaguessportdb-leagues - sport.db leagues & clubs reader and zero-config quick starter settings
202157,56337,925sportsport - sport data structures for matches, scores, leagues, seasons, rounds, groups, te...
203158,06447,825punkmakerpunkmaker gem - make your own (pixel) punk base (archetype) heads incl. humans, zombies...
204158,58069,547p2pp2p - build your own peer-to-peer (p2p) networks; run your own peer-to-peer (p2p) nodes...
205158,66832,380season-formatsseason-formats - read / parse and print seasons (using an academic or calendar year
206107,75249,949sportdb-source-footballdatasportdb-source-footballdata - download & import 22+ top football leagues from 25 season...
207159,62832,380sportdb-parsersportdb-parser - football.txt match parser (& tokenizer)
208159,64947,825hexutilshexutils - hex(adecimal) encode/decode helpers 'n' more for String, NilClass, Kernel an...
209159,66147,825barchartsbarcharts - print barcharts in your terminal in ascii or with unicode block elements
210107,50959,487faster_xml_simple_readerA faster xml_simple reader in Java using StaX (Streaming API for XML)
211159,85469,547ordliteordlite - ordinals inscription (on bitcoin & co) database let's you query via sql and more
212159,86447,825artfactoryartfactory - generate your own art images from text attributes (via spritesheets); inc...
213159,90347,825typesigtypesig - type signatures - annotate your code with type signatures
214160,10747,825typesigstypesigs - let's collect type signatures - annotate your code with type signatures
215161,81628,274artqartq - query (ethereum) blockchain contracts / services for (meta) data about art colle...
216161,99569,547rubidityrubidity gem - rubidity "classic / o.g." contract builder; trying the impossible and sq...
217162,26537,925shell-liteshell-lite gem - shell command line helper / wrapper 'n' more for your computer
218162,64147,825bellesbelles - generate your own 24×24 beau / belle pixel head images (off chain) from text a...
219162,68447,825factbook-fieldsfactbook-fields - world factbook country profile meta data - categories, fields, subfie...
220162,87421,409ethnameethname - light-weight crowd-sourced "off-chain" ethereum name to (contract) address se...
221164,01223,130abidocabidoc - application binary interface (abi) documentation generator for Ethereum & Co. ...
222164,03437,925coolcatscoolcats - generate your own 24×24 pixel cat images (off-blockchain) from text attribut...
223164,06047,825kittyverse-apikittyverse-api - web client (helpers) for using the CryptoKitties unofficial (v0) and o...
224164,17532,380goblinsgoblins - generate your own 24×24 goblins or 20×20 lil'goblins (pixel) monster avatar i...
225164,50569,547csv11csv11 - read / parse comma-separated values (csv); supports csv 1.1 incl. comments, nam...
226164,59747,825pixelart-characterspixelart-characters - generate pixel arts characters, algorithmically - paint by number...
227164,79769,547hyperdatahyperdata - turn hypertext web pages into structured data (supports Feed.HTML n friends)
228165,21825,363rlp-literlp-lite - light-weight machinery to serialize / deserialze via rlp (recursive length p...
229165,46669,547feedfinderfeedfinder - web feed finder and discovery (RSS, Atom, JSON Feed, etc.)
230165,63547,825kittyverse-graphqlkittyverse-graphql - (lite) web client (helpers) for using CryptoKitties (HTTP JSON) Gr...
231165,69632,380nounsnouns - generate your own 32×32 pixel avatar images (off-blockchain) from text attribut...
232165,88632,380shibainusshibainus - generate your own 24×24 pixel shiba inu doge images (off-blockchain) from t...
233166,90347,825textitexti - read / parse text with instructions (.texti)
234167,49147,825elliptic-liteelliptic-lite - elliptic curve cryptography from scratch / zero - start with finite fie...
235117,32045,187gitti-syncgitti-sync - (yet) another (lite) git sync command line script
236167,91228,274synthpunkssynthpunks - (free unlimited) 24×24 pixel punks for everyone - yes, you can - generate ...
237115,16377,186sportdb-consolesportdb-console - sport.db addon for console / shell
238168,23937,925sportdb-exporterssportdb-exporters - export helpers for sport.db data in various formats incl. json, csv...
239170,13947,825feedcheckerfeedchecker - tools and helpers to check your web feeds
240170,71747,825newsweeknewsweek - what's news? browse week by week - 99 channels, 1237 items
242170,78837,925version-checkversion-check - up-to-date? - helpers for checking for / reporting outdated gem / libra...
243171,76432,380artserveartserve - serve up single-file SQLite artbase dbs to query metadata and images with SQ...
244171,8646,436worldfootballworldfootball - get world football (leagues, cups & more) match data via the worldfootb...
245172,07547,825typeconvtypeconv (type converters) - convert strings to numbers, dates, booleans, nulls and more
246172,12569,547safemathsafemath - safe math operations (with overflow 'n' underflow protection) on signed and ...
247172,37069,547dataurisdatauris gem - DataUri helpers to parse (decode) and build (encode) data uris incl. (s...
248172,43469,547pragmaspragmas - language syntax pragmas - turn on the future today or add your own ideas for...
249172,63969,547safedatasafedata - safe (algebraic) union data types with enumerated variants
250127,15759,487jekylldocjekylldoc - (auto-)document your jekyll static site theme
251173,54747,825footballfootball - football data structures for matches, scores, leagues, seasons, rounds, grou...
252173,65414,979footballdata-apifootballdata-api - get football data via Daniel Freitag's api v4
253131,16648,030mokkamokka - Java libs and apis wrapped in a gem for use in JRuby
254173,88647,825football-to-psqlfootball-to-psql - load / read football.txt datafiles into a postgresql database
255174,03469,547calldatacalldata gem - Calldata.encode / Calldata.decode using utf8_to_hex and hex_to_utf8 help...
256174,11847,825gitfilegitfile - a (light-weight) package manager for installing and updating projects from gi...
257174,17447,825flowfileflowfile - read in / parse (work)flow definitions with steps, actions, and more
258174,34469,547scribelitescribelite gem - inscription / inscribe (ethscription calldata) database for ethereum &...
259174,69337,925wikitreewikitree - wikitext/script abstract syntax tree (ast)
260174,71937,925wikiscript-parserwikiscript-parser - wikitext/script parser (builds abstract syntax tree 'n' more)
261174,75869,547solidity-typedsolidity-typed - "zero-dependency" 100%-solidity compatible data type and application b...
262174,82847,825sportdb-setupsportdb-setup - sport.db dev (source) mode boot scripts for setting up load path and more
263174,84569,547abidumpabidump gem - command-line tool to dump / pretty print or (re)format application binary...
264170,96929,290rubidity-typedrubidity-typed - "zero-dependency" 100%-solidity compatible data type machinery incl. (...
265175,32423,130etherscan-liteetherscan-lite - light-weight machinery / helper for the Etherscan (blockchain) JSON HT...
266175,41547,825pixelart-colorspixelart-colors - helpers to work with true colors as integers; 256 shades for r/g/b (r...
267175,70632,380gemversegemverse gem - gem universe incl. rubygems API V1 wrapper lite; gem version cache, gem ...
268175,83169,547ethscribeethscribe - inscription / inscribe (ethscription calldata) api wrapper & helpers for Et...
269176,23547,825smileyssmileys - generate your own 24×24 pixel smiley images (off-blockchain) with text (via b...
270176,34069,547ordbaseordbase gem - "right-clicker" (off-chain) ordinals (pixel art) command-line tool, machi...
271176,38832,380sportdb-quicksportdb-quick - football.txt (quick) match readers and more
272176,67169,547bitgenbitgen - bitcoin generative (inscription) image machinery incl. gen-brc721 & co
273177,00069,547ordserveordserve - serve-up ordinal inscription (on bitcoin & co) from a local test sandbox
274177,21823,130ethersethers - "high-level" all-in-one umbrella quick starter gem for easy installation & usa...
275177,46528,274football-timezonesfootball-timezones - time & timezone helpers for football (league) data
276177,48928,274abi2solabi2sol gem - command-line tool for application binary interface (abi) to solidity (con...
277177,57128,274abi2rubyabi2ruby - generate ready-to-use (blockchain) contract services / function calls for e...
278177,68847,825sportdb-searchsportdb-search - find national teams, clubs, leagues & more
279149,010120,319activechainactivechain - blockchain storage on ActiveRecord (SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc.)
280177,81347,825abibaseabibase - command line tool / helper to manage application binary interfaces (abis)
281174,45711,318rubidity-contractsrubidity-contracts - standard contracts (incl. erc20, erc721, etc) for ruby for layer 1...
282178,24069,547ordgenordgen - ordinals (generative ORC-721) inscription (on bitcoin & co) helpers to generat...
283178,46869,547barbershopbarberhsop gem - make your own (pixel) punk hair style incl. mohawk, wild & crazy, shor...
284178,61969,547punkmepunkme gem - generate your own (pixel) punk characters / heads - using your own skinton...
285136,67327,571base32-kaibase32-kai - base32 (2^5) encoding / decoding in 5-bit groups with kai notation/alphabet
286178,78637,925unisatunisat - lite helpers for full-text search in bitcoin ordinal inscriptions
287178,86047,825footballdb-datafootballdb-data - built-in (default) football data incl. leagues & cups, clubs, grounds...
288179,29625,363natspecnatspec - natural specification (comments) parser / machinery; document application bin...
289179,29637,925uniswapuniswap - core uniswap v2 (dumb) contracts for ruby (rubidity) for layer 1 (l1) with "o...
290179,34547,825artbase-cocosartbase-cocos - artbase (shared) code commons (cocos); read artbase collection configs ...
291179,43969,547facetqfacetq - "stand-alone" facet (activerecord) models for easy (re)use for sql database qu...
292179,49047,825artbase-importersartbase-importers - artbase (SQL) database machinery 'n' support; build single-file SQL...
293180,38869,547soldocsoldoc gem - command-line tool for solidity (contract) source code documentationn for E...
294180,73969,547punkartpunkart gem - (automagically) turn your "classic" punk (pixel) heads into dollar greenb...
295180,88669,547ordscanordscan - ordinals (generative ORC-721) inscription (on bitcoin & co) indexer / scanner
296180,94869,547hairsalonhairsalon gem - make your own (pixel) punk hair style incl. mohawk, wild & crazy, short...
297176,05948,800rubidity-simulacrumrubidity-simulacrum gem - run (dumb) blockchain contracts in rubidity (with 100%-solidi...
298181,20269,547satsnamessatsnames - sats names helpers for bitcoin ordinal inscription names, relays and more
299181,48847,825rsssf-parserrsssf-parser - football match schedule & results parser (& tokenizer) for the rsssf for...
300181,54569,547soliscriptsoliscript - run blockchain contracts in rubidity (with 100%-solidity compatible data t...
301181,66069,547rubysolrubysol - ruby for (blockchain) layer 1 (l1) contracts / protocols with "off-chain" ind...
302181,69569,547rubysol-contractsrubysol-contracts - standard contracts (incl. erc20, erc721, etc) for ruby for layer 1 ...
303181,88169,547monkes21monkes21 gem - generate your own monkes twenty one 28×28 pixel avatar images from the 1...
304182,03547,825fbtxt2jsonfbtxt2json - convert football.txt match schedules & more to json
305178,15875,622rubidity-classicrubidity-classic - trying the impossible and square the circle, that is, a rubidity "cl...
306183,17647,825sportdb-helperssportdb-helpers - parsers & readers and more for structs incl. countries, leagues, clu...