1 | 4,434 | 2,244 | text-hyphen | Text::Hyphen is a Ruby library to hyphenate words in various languages using
Ruby-fied ... |
2 | 5,913 | 2,272 | text-format | Text::Format is provides the ability to nicely format fixed-width text with knowledge o... |
3 | 36,301 | 48,058 | text-reform | Text::Reform reformats text according to formatting picture templates. It's a
port from... |
4 | 93,085 | 70,066 | tex-hyphen | Hyphenates a word according to a TeX pattern file. |
5 | 125,451 | 48,058 | thrift_amqp_transport | Transports thrift messages over a the advanced message queue protocol. (AMQP) Because o... |
6 | 125,498 | 70,066 | ScopedProxy | == SYNOPSIS: Allows storing scopes as names; that way you can address subsets of your ... |