Gorsuch's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,82216,697logtrendlogtrend is an HTTP log parser built on top of event machine, generating rrd graphs of ...
232,64386,038exprcCLI to exprd.
337,33842,025check_httpa simple interface to gather curl stats against an HTTP resource
437,47086,038carbonatorCarbonator is an experimental line filter that transforms log lines into graphte / carb...
537,50186,038rack_bugzscoutRack Middleware for submitting FogBugz BugzScout reports.
638,69786,038bugzscoutA package for using Fog Creek Software's FogBugz BugzScout bug reporting system.
843,12286,038backstop-deploysAn extension to backstop to allow submission to Librato Metrics
919,15127,872releaseinatorExperimental support for rolling out release data to a system
1050,05753,556dataloggerEasy to use structured data logger
1151,09586,038redismqA cheap and naive implementation of topic exchanges on top of Redis.
1263,21353,556dashboardera lightweight composer for librato instruments and dashboards
1369,52386,038vantageAn example cli for vantage.io
1478,16086,038rack_errorpageSimple Rack Middleware catching exceptions and rendering the error page of your choice
1585,40053,556statsdeifyAn experimental lib to transmute logs to `statsd` measurements.
1690,84086,038datalogger-redisA DataLogger data sink to Redis
17102,74686,038redis_toolsCommand line tools derived from the Redis command set
18128,94586,038redis-connection-sslan SSL connection library for redis
19130,35286,038fog-aws-dynamodb-lockeran attempt to leverage DynamoDB as an HA lock store
20133,06353,556libratonatorExperimental CLI tool to pipe Graphite's Carbon data to Librato Metrics
21133,19986,038sysarcana-datadata package for the SysArcana blog system
22133,57953,556redis-connection-universaluniversal redis driver to connect that allows for multiple transports
23137,41786,038redcatcat a file or stdin to a redis list
24140,27786,038dockercYet another docker client.
25165,43153,556gorsuch-redisA simple Ruby client trying to match Redis' API one-to-one while still providing a Ruby...