Pirj's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1935251rubocop-capybaraCode style checking for Capybara test files (RSpec, Cucumber, Minitest). A plugin for t...
21,197266rubocop-factory_botCode style checking for factory_bot files. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enforcin...
319,96014,540rspec-enqueue_sidekiq_jobRSpec matcher to check enqueueing of Sidekiq jobs
422,74640,310dshelfTransparent remote storage for File API
551,56718,879padrino-cancanPadrino can can use all CanCan goodies
660,97324,456tor-privoxyMechanize wrapper to work via Tor/Privoxy with endpoint switching ability
767,78640,310rack-datamapper-sessionDatamapper session for any Rack based application. Don't forget to automigrate.
8108,73140,310pirj-certifiedEnsure net/https uses OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER to verify SSL certificates and provides...
9125,01540,310pirj-ponySend email in one command: Pony.mail(:to => '[email protected]', :body => 'hello')
10127,33640,310rest-client-next-dshelfA simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of...
11129,99227,598pirj-sinatra-contribCollection of useful Sinatra extensions
12136,52240,310stupid_passwordTell users their passwords are stupid and guessable.