Martinciu's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,81526,468fuubar-cucumberthe instafailing Cucumber progress bar formatter
216,70320,457nullobjectNull Object Design Pattern Ruby implementation
344,66728,333pickle-mongoidianwhite's pickle mongoid adapter
445,07869,238thumbsImage server proxy that can resize images on the fly. Built in ruby as a Rack application.
573,38838,135state_machine-mongoida little lack of tests but it works!
679,05469,238widescreenRack based event statistic framework for any Rack app
785,52743,643candiesInvisible image based tracing service with Redis backend
886,89869,238pluralizeBetter pluralization for non-english languages
990,90769,238pickle-mongo_mapperianwhite's pickle mongo_mapper adapter
1095,39469,238issuesGitHub Issues Command Line Interface
11100,29543,643api_mapperapi_mapper converts API resources in to ruby objects
12128,02669,238heroku_log_parserHeroku Log Parser