Caius's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,78052,733hestiaSupport for deprecating/rotating signed cookie secret tokens in rails. Handles silently...
234,95324,802acts_as_uuidAllows ActiveRecord to use (native) UUIDs, even as primary keys. Currently only works w...
341,85152,733lstrip-on-steroidsSane indent-aware multiline strings
443,84446,623cuuidRuby wrapper for the uuid library in your OS.
552,74170,697ar-serialize-helpersHelpers for ActiveRecord's serialize in rails 3
673,120105,358jruby-stemmerNative java implementation of a string stemming algorithm. JRuby replacement for `fast-...
778,45260,424resque-picky_workerResque worker that evaluates queues and chooses which one to pull jobs from
880,987105,358engorge-ostructExtends OpenStruct to add some useful methods
989,980105,358eu_countriesList all countries in the EU
1090,18070,697middleman-plaintextGenerate raw un-rendered versions of selected resources. Shout out to John Gruber for t...
1190,946105,358bundler-native-gemsInspect your Gemfile to list gems with native extensions
1291,148105,358prowlnotifyEasily send prowl notifications from the command line
1397,39770,697resqueue-metadataStore a hash of any metadata against your queues in resque
14104,683105,358middleman-postdatedReads the filename of your site resources which don't have dates set, and sets them acc...
15114,745105,358array_with_priorityAn array with priority groups within it
16125,597136,377defaultinatorAllows you to set default values when setting attributes using attr_accessor or attr_re...
17135,498105,358resque-enqueue-arityValidates the number of job arguments when queueing a job with Resque
18138,466105,358regex_concatExtends the Regexp class with a concat method, which lets you concatenate any number of...
19151,701136,377rails3-instantiationBackports instantiation instrumentation from rails master to rails 3.2.18
20152,227168,370aniaComing soon
21160,445136,377pepysInspired by node-bunyan, compatible with stdlib's Logger API
22173,546105,358villanelleVillanelle: coming soon.
23174,50184,840tsclientInterrogate Tailscale on your local machine through the local HTTP api.
24177,621136,377omniauth-tailscaleOmniAuth strategy for Tailscale
25179,937105,358turtlesTurtles all the way down.