1 | 14,357 | 24,968 | hestia | Support for deprecating/rotating signed cookie secret tokens in rails.
Handles silently... |
2 | 35,884 | 53,556 | acts_as_uuid | Allows ActiveRecord to use (native) UUIDs, even as primary keys. Currently only works w... |
3 | 42,836 | 26,609 | lstrip-on-steroids | Sane indent-aware multiline strings |
4 | 44,695 | 86,038 | cuuid | Ruby wrapper for the uuid library in your OS. |
5 | 53,722 | 86,038 | ar-serialize-helpers | Helpers for ActiveRecord's serialize in rails 3 |
6 | 74,566 | 42,025 | jruby-stemmer | Native java implementation of a string stemming algorithm. JRuby replacement for `fast-... |
7 | 79,617 | 86,038 | resque-picky_worker | Resque worker that evaluates queues and chooses which one to pull jobs from |
8 | 82,354 | 53,556 | engorge-ostruct | Extends OpenStruct to add some useful methods |
9 | 90,974 | 86,038 | middleman-plaintext | Generate raw un-rendered versions of selected resources. Shout out to John Gruber for t... |
10 | 91,322 | 86,038 | eu_countries | List all countries in the EU |
11 | 91,423 | 53,556 | bundler-native-gems | Inspect your Gemfile to list gems with native extensions |
12 | 92,618 | 86,038 | prowlnotify | Easily send prowl notifications from the command line |
13 | 98,773 | 86,038 | resqueue-metadata | Store a hash of any metadata against your queues in resque |
14 | 105,765 | 86,038 | middleman-postdated | Reads the filename of your site resources which don't have dates set, and sets them acc... |
15 | 116,204 | 86,038 | array_with_priority | An array with priority groups within it |
16 | 126,883 | 86,038 | defaultinator | Allows you to set default values when setting attributes using attr_accessor or attr_re... |
17 | 137,094 | 86,038 | resque-enqueue-arity | Validates the number of job arguments when queueing a job with Resque |
18 | 139,940 | 86,038 | regex_concat | Extends the Regexp class with a concat method, which lets you concatenate any number of... |
19 | 152,917 | 53,556 | rails3-instantiation | Backports instantiation instrumentation from rails master to rails 3.2.18 |
20 | 152,991 | 86,038 | ania | Coming soon |
21 | 161,659 | 86,038 | pepys | Inspired by node-bunyan, compatible with stdlib's Logger API |
22 | 174,590 | 53,556 | villanelle | Villanelle: coming soon. |
23 | 175,200 | 86,038 | tsclient | Interrogate Tailscale on your local machine through the local HTTP api. |
24 | 179,089 | 86,038 | omniauth-tailscale | OmniAuth strategy for Tailscale |
25 | 181,755 | 86,038 | turtles | Turtles all the way down. |