Brianjlandau's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,6967,939redirectorA Rails engine that adds a piece of middleware to the top of your middleware stack that...
210,88630,305acts_as_markupRepresent ActiveRecord Markdown, Textile, RDoc columns as Markdown, Textile, RDoc objec...
311,19713,614nav_lynxRails helper to generate navigation links with a selected class.
422,75963,432brianjlandau-resque-schedulerLight weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to s...
522,91930,305simplest_authSimple implementation of authentication for Rails
629,28363,432aa_associationsThis extends ActiveAdmin to allow for better editing of associations.
733,51463,432loggableA gem that provides logging capabilities to any class
841,52463,432acts_as_markdownRepresent ActiveRecord markdown text columns as Markdown objects using various external...
944,32863,432brianjlandau-chronic_durationA simple Ruby natural language parser for elapsed time. (For example, 4 hours and 30 mi...
1056,40430,305CacheBarA simple API caching layer built on top of HTTParty and Redis
1162,05663,432brianjlandau-sdoc-helpersSimple helpers to make using sdoc easier.
1263,77363,432brianjlandau-foreignerAdds helpers to migrations and correctly dumps foreign keys to schema.rb
1364,24663,432cachebarA simple API caching layer built on top of HTTParty and Redis
1464,36741,916brianjlandau-acts_as_archiveDon't delete your records, move them to a different table
1578,05263,432oembed_clientA simple abstract oEmbed Client for ruby.
1693,02963,432nice-n-easyA set of Sinatra HTML view helpers to make your life nicer and easier. Helpers for form...
17113,49163,432brianjlandau-vestal_versionsKeep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes
18114,87863,432activeadmin_associationsThis extends ActiveAdmin to allow for better editing of associations.
19117,95830,305doppelgangerDoppelganger helps you to find areas of your code that are good places to refactor. It...
20122,03363,432mongrel_output_compressionA mongrel plugin to gzip or deflate compress all output if the client supports it.
21124,82841,916self-flagellationSelf-flagellation is an addition/extension of Ryan Davis's flog, which allows you to s...
22154,95141,916rails_polymorphic_selectThis is a simple Rails extension that allows you to create polymorphic select inputs fo...