1 | 4,238 | 4,046 | omnibus-ctl | Provides command line control for omnibus pakcages, rarely used as a gem |
2 | 7,992 | 13,150 | capistrano-chef | Allows Capistrano to use Chef data for deployment |
3 | 14,311 | 86,038 | capistrano-notifier | Simple notification hooks for Capistrano |
4 | 23,335 | 13,979 | capistrano-cloudflare | Capistrano extensions for CloudFlare |
5 | 49,481 | 53,556 | omniauth-chef-oauth2 | OmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for Chef. |
6 | 122,697 | 53,556 | js2bookmarklet | Utility to create a bookmarklet from a JavaScript file |
7 | 154,132 | 53,556 | knife-saved_search | Allows one to save searches against a Chef server and execute them later. |