Transami's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1464621ansiThe ANSI project is a superlative collection of ANSI escape code related libraries eabl...
2638603hasheryThe Hashery is a tight collection of Hash-like classes. Included among its many offerin...
32,6702,820facetsFacets is the premier collection of extension methods for the Ruby programming language...
43,13441,086languageLanguage is a support library for other langauge libraries. While some of it's contents...
53,2695,200turnTurn provides a set of alternative runners for MiniTest, both colorful and informative.
63,6321,860regexRegex is a simple commmand-line Regular Expression tool that makes it easy to search do...
74,1154,106brassBRASS stands for Bare-Metal Ruby Assertion System Standard. It is a very basic foundati...
85,0005,586pqueueA priority queue is like a standard queue, except that each inserted elements is given ...
99,6118,353radixRadix is a very easy to use Ruby library for converting numbers to and from any base. I...
109,62712,065yard-tomdocUse TomDoc documentation format with YARD.
119,6385,962aeAssertive Expressive is an assertions library specifically designed for reuse by other...
129,66812,065tomparseTomParse provides no other functionality than to take a code comment and parse it in to...
1310,38411,504executableThink of Executable as a *COM*, a Commandline Object Mapper, in much the same way that ...
1411,43023,402tapoutTapout is a TAP consumer that can take any TAP, TAP-Y or TAP-J stream and output it in ...
1512,0835,856rubytestRubytest is a universal test harness for Ruby. It can handle any compliant test framewo...
1612,1528,886test-unit-runner-tapThis project provides TAP and TAP-Y/J test output formats for the TestUnit test framework.
1712,65741,086dictionaryThe Dictionary class is a type of ordered Hash, which keeps it's contents in a customiz...
1813,57113,218minitapMiniTap provides a MiniTest TAP-Y/J report format suitable for use with TAPOUT.
1913,5825,949testThe Test library/repository/gem is a testbed project, for use by any other project that...
2013,82523,402qedQED (Quality Ensured Demonstrations) is a TDD/BDD framework utilizing Literate Programm...
2113,99241,086instanceInstance is a spin-off of Ruby Facets. It provides a simple convenient API for accessin...
2214,61611,862yaml_commandYAML Command provides a command line interface to teasing apart and reconstructing YAML...
2315,28729,456reapReap is a Ruby-oriented project assitant applicaiton. It provides tools developers comm...
2415,75117,333minitest-reporter-apiMinitest Report API is a small patch to Minitest that allows reporters to be set in cod...
2515,9969,357tomdocTomDoc is flexible code documentation with human readers in mind. The tomdoc gem is a...
2616,96141,086setupEvery Rubyist is aware of Minero Aoki's ever useful setup.rb script. It's how most of ...
2718,79361,367smeagolSmeagol is a customizable read-only Gollum wiki server. Smeagol makes it possible to ma...
2818,97941,086crypt3Crypt3 is a ruby version of crypt(3), a salted one-way hashing of a password.
2919,95661,367dnoteDNote makes it easy to extract developer's notes from source code, and supports almost ...
3023,59223,402lemonLemon is a unit testing framework that tightly correlates class to test case and method...
3125,46617,333vclogVCLog is a cross-VCS/SCM ChangeLog generator.
3225,61741,086aniseAnise is an annotations systems for the Ruby programming lanaguage.
3328,05961,367rspec-ontapRSpec-On-Tap is a TAP-Y/J formatter for RSpec.
3430,18433,893finderFinder is a general purpose file finder for Ruby. Finder can search RubyGems, Roll libr...
3531,21761,367gashGash = Git + Hash
3631,53761,367autoloadRuby is officially deprecating autoload. Well, some people may prefer to keep it! Moreo...
3732,09341,086clioClio makes commandline interfaces easy. It provides both commandline parsing as well as...
3832,62061,367ratchRatch is a Ruby-based batch scripting language. It's a DSL over regular Ruby to make th...
3934,38341,086htmlfilterSanitize and sterilize HTML, also includes a CSS filter.
4034,81917,333locatLOCat is a customizable Lines-Of-Code analysis tool. LOC might not be the most useful m...
4135,56423,402paramixParametric Mixins provides parameters for mixin modules.
4236,21761,367rcR.C. is a multi-tenant runtime configuration system for Ruby projects. It can be used t...
4338,50761,367autoreloadAutoreload automatically reloads library files when they have been updated. It is espec...
4439,50661,367detroitDetroit is an advanced lifecycle build system. With Detroit, build tasks are user defin...
4540,45741,086confectionConfection is a multi-tenant configuration system for Ruby projects.
4640,59719,101mastMast is a command line tool for generating manifests and digests. Mast makes it easy to...
4742,17361,367folioFolio is a better way to access the file system.
4844,70561,367stickStick is an comprehensive science library including a units system providing both SI un...
4947,42161,367cutsCuts is an expiremental implementation of cut-based AOP for Ruby written in pure Ruby.
5047,87961,367bicryptSimple two-way encryption/decryption class.
5148,83623,402maltMalt provides a factory framework for rendering a variety of template and markup docume...
5249,12033,893indexerIndexer provides projects with a universal metadata format.
5351,62761,367assayAssay defines assertions in the same way that Ruby defines exceptions. Each type of ass...
5452,03425,716ostruct2OStruct2 is a reimplementation of Ruby's standard ostruct.rb library. This new OpenStru...
5553,51641,086citronCitron is a classical unit testing framework with a developer freindly DSL, runs on top...
5653,52141,086dotoptsDotOpts is an automatic commandline argument augmenter for Ruby tools.
5753,54861,367richunitsA Unit system, based on Rich Kilmer's original time.rb work, which provides english-esq...
5854,11761,367pluginPlugins is a general purpose plugin handler for Ruby. (Note: This has nothing to do wit...
5955,90223,402no_backsiesNoBacksies is a callback layer built on top of Ruby's built-in callback methods. It mak...
6056,24761,367xoxoXOXO is a Ruby XOXO parser and generator. It provides a Ruby API similar to Marshal an...
6156,32829,456rubytest-cliRubytest CLI is a command-line interface for running tests for Rubytest-based test fram...
6260,43361,367erbsideErbside is a simple project-oriented erb-based inline template system. Inline template...
6361,20561,367quarryQuarry is a small collection of libraries to facilitate Ruby project development, testi...
6462,24161,367strmaskString::Mask provides a kind-of string algebra useful for manipulating strings in compa...
6562,69125,716neapolitanNeapolitan is a meta-templating engine. Like a candy store it allows you to pick and ch...
6663,35561,367tracepointA TracePoint is a Binding with the addition of event information. Among other things, i...
6763,38925,716microtestMicroTest is a very small Test::Unit/MiniTest compatbile test framework that runs on to...
6864,15261,367detroit-githubGitHub plugin for Detroit build system.
6964,69261,367briteBrite is an easy to use, light-weight website generator. It supports a variety of backe...
7066,26961,367capsuleCapsule is subclass of Module. It encapsulates an extenal script as a functions module.
7169,58517,333romanRomanNumeral class for working with roman numerals in a native form.
7272,10861,367historyHistory is a HISTORY file parser. It can parse common HISTORY file layouts and provide ...
7373,09029,456mixersRuby Mixers is collection mixin modules for the Ruby programming language. Mixers is a ...
7474,47661,367detroit-extconfExtConf plugin for Detroit build system. The plugin compiles Ruby C extensions during t...
7574,99861,367detroit-dnoteDNote plugin for Detroit build system. Extract devleoper's notes from source in documen...
7675,18161,367detroit-emailEmail plugin for Detroit build system. This plugin is designed to send out a well forma...
7775,26961,367detroit-rdocRDoc and RI plugins for Detroit build system.
7875,37461,367rollRoll is a library manager for Ruby. Code repositories can be made visible to Ruby just ...
7975,43029,456opendslOpenDSL is the ultimate DSL system. It marries Ruby's metaprogramming chops with it's v...
8075,99141,086iterationIteration is class that encapsulate an step in an each loop. It can be used to query in...
8175,99833,893limeLime is a pure Ruby variation of Cucumber's Gherkin BDD test system that runs on top of...
8277,15429,456platypusProvides a complete double-dispatch type conversion system, method overloadability and ...
8378,77461,367detroit-yardstickYardstick plugin for Detroit build system. This plugin generates a documentation cover...
8480,70161,367bezelAlternate loading system for Ruby allowing version multiplicity.
8580,99461,367detroit-yardYARD plugin for Detroit build system. The plugin generates YARD documentation during th...
8681,03461,367ragtagRagTag is a Ruby variation on Zope Page Templates and it's TAL specification. It primar...
8785,28261,367detroit-gemThe Gem plugin for the Detroit build system will build a gem during the package phase a...
8885,92161,367bangBang! Bang! provides a dynamic assertions framework utlizing bang methods and built to ...
8986,22141,086ergoErgo is an automated build tool with a slick set-logic based state/rules system, perfec...
9087,44761,367cdexecExecute shell commands in multiple-subdirectories.
9190,07561,367detroit-syntaxRuby syntax checker plugin for Detroit build system.
9290,13361,367detroit-rspecRSpec plugin for Detroit build system. This plugin runs rspec specification durring the...
9390,15661,367dciFaithful DCI framework for Ruby application development.
9490,25661,367detroit-vclogVCLog plugin for Detroit build system. This plugin generates changelog and/or history d...
9590,27561,367detroit-minitestDetroit MiniTest is a plugin for the Detroit build system for runing MiniTest-based tes...
9690,30361,367detroit-turnTurn plugin for Detroit build system. The Turn plugin runs MiniTest test via Turn's bea...
9790,45961,367detroit-qedQED plugin for Detroit build system. This plugin will run QED specs during the test ph...
9890,87361,367yard-birdYardbird is a YARD plugin that allows you, the developer, to write documentation Your W...
9991,29761,367sowSow is a flexible and straightforward project file generation system.
10092,82861,367proutilsProUtils is a collect of handy command line tools. Think of it as a supplement to the u...
10195,40761,367uncoolUncool is a unit testing coverage tool that monitors tests recording all the methods co...
10296,38461,367fluidityFluidity is a test assertions framework built on top of the Assay assertions meta-frame...
10396,40161,367detroit-grancherGrancher plugin for Detroit build system uses the grancher gem to copy a project's webs...
10496,92461,367detroit-erbsideErbside plugin for Detroit build system. Render inline source code templates.
10597,16561,367detroit-locatLOCat plugin for Detroit build system. Generate detailed LOC charts for your Ruby proj...
10697,70061,367ramlRAML is a Ruby-syntax-based data language.
10798,90861,367tkxmlTkXML translates XML markup into Ruby Tk interface code
10899,41861,367loadableLoadable modifieds Ruby's load/require system to handle "load wedges", which work much ...
10999,51561,367shomenShomen defines a standard API documentaiton format for object-oriented software (Ruby p...
110101,23361,367fileutils2FileUtils2 is an improved design of Ruby's built-in FileUtils library.
111101,37941,086clikCLI.K stands for Command Line Interface in the Kernel. It provides a very simple `cli`...
112101,74161,367sourcerySourcery puts a spell-casting layer between the code you write and the code you ship. U...
113103,01761,367detroit-customCustom tool plugin for Detroit build system. Allows any procedure to be run at any poin...
114103,21761,367versusThe Versus gem provides a solid Version class along with supporting functionality, such...
115103,30961,367spectrumColor is a Ruby library to provide basic RGB, CMYK, HSL, and other colourspace manipula...
116103,69961,367spectroscopeSpectroscope is a BDD framework built on RubyTest designed to emulate RSpec in most res...
117106,70661,367courtierCourtier is a multi-tenant configuration system for Ruby projects. Courtier can configu...
118106,88961,367rubytest-rakeRake plugin for Ruby Test. Ruby Test is a universal test harness for Ruby.
119107,64561,367fireFire is a continuous integration build tool with a slick set logic state/rules system.
120113,44961,367detroit-standardDetroit Standard simply defines the standard toolchain. If should be a dependency of al...
121114,85741,086beBe (Behavioral expectations) is a fully versitle, light-weight and BRASS compliant asse...
122115,63561,367assay-minitestAssay MiniTest defines a set of MiniTest-compatible assertion and extension method whic...
123115,95761,367assay-testunitAssay TestUnit defines a set of TestUnit-compatible assertion methods which depend on A...
124118,88161,367backloadBackload provides callbacks for Ruby's #require and #load methods.
125120,12561,367rdoc-shomenRDoc-Shomen is an RDoc generator plugin that can be used to generate Shomen documentati...
126120,23561,367r4xR4X is an implementation of E4X for Ruby.
127120,35661,367gutopiaGUtopIa is GUI framework for Ruby. It is an ultra-high level library designed to deal i...
128120,46661,367jamJam is a data-driven templater system. Jam provides 100% sepearation between logic and ...
129121,97361,367libraryThe Library class encapsulates the essential nature of a Ruby library --a location on ...
130123,10461,367detroit-commonsDetroit is an advanced lifecycle build system. Detroit Commons is a meta-package with r...
131123,39441,086matriarchGTraits is component system for Ruby that sections a class into a matrix of Method x Pr...
132123,65041,086yard-qedYARD QED is a plugin for YARD that automatically adds a QED document directory to YARD ...
133123,79341,086detroit-mastMast plugin for Detroit build system. Generate and update MANIFEST file for your project.
134124,06741,086normaThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
135124,27061,367rulebowRulebow is an automated build tool with a set-logic based rule system. Rulebow is the p...
136124,54961,367detroit-ronnRONN plugin for Detroit build system. Build roff manpages for your project.
137124,87261,367vanunitsVanUnits is a units system providing both SI units and web-updated currency units, via ...
138125,93361,367yesYAML Easy Schemas it a straight-foward but powerful YPath-based schema format and valid...
139126,52361,367yard-notesNormally YARD emits a warning about unrecongnized decoumentaiton tags and omits them fr...
140129,64841,086readmeEver thought perhaps that all the effect in creating a good README, while great for you...
141130,04941,086picPIC is a pattern matching library, like regular expressions, based on Cobol edited pict...
142131,65561,367dotrubyDotRuby is a universal runtime configuration system for Ruby tools.
143132,30461,367shomen-modelShomen defines a standard API documentaiton format for object-oriented software (Ruby p...
144133,58961,367realReal makes true reflection possible for Ruby objects. This can be important to metaprog...
145134,02861,367shomen-yardShomen YARD is a utiliity for generating Shomen documentation file using YARD as a back...
146134,61261,367shomen-rdocShomen RDoc provides a command line utility for generating Shomen standard documentatio...
147137,81561,367rspecialRSpecial defines a set of RSpec-compatible matcher methods which are BRASS compliant by...
148139,67961,367jekyll-transformJykell Transform converts transforms external sources into a Jykell managable material.
149140,68661,367trans-gritGrit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in an object or...
150147,69241,086reusingReusing makes it possible to use refinements without all the boiler plate normally nece...
151149,47261,367rubytest-summaryThis is a report format plugin for Rubytest.
152149,84661,367rubytest-progressThis is an progress test report format for the Rubytest metaframework. It produces a pr...
153150,33061,367rubytest-htmlThis is an HTML test report format for the Rubytest metaframework.
154150,58861,367rubytest-suiteRubytest is a universal test harness for Ruby. This gem provides the core library and a...
155151,53161,367rubytest-tapThis is a report format plugin for Rubytest.