Alto's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1569565aasmAASM is a continuation of the acts-as-state-machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...
211,2906,831assert_jsonA gem to test JSON strings.
322,39561,367seatbeltGoal is to provide custom, high quality and high level assertions for Ruby and Ruby on ...
422,80518,157memo-it📥 📤 simple yet clever memoization helper with parameter support
526,06661,367yaml_enumerationCreate classes which work like ActiveRecord classes, but are ...
628,10961,367gem_version_checkCheck for a given github project if gem dependencies are up to date
730,95141,086vimalyWrapper for the Vimaly API
836,84818,157nineflats-apiLet's you use the 9flats API'
956,77961,367exceptionistRequest a certain HTTP status code to be returned
1066,36561,367will_paypalPaypal NVP API Class.
11121,77233,893obeyaWrapper for the Obeya API