Danielsdeleo's Gems
# | Total Rank | Daily Rank | Name | Summary |
1 | 426 | 586 | deep_merge | Recursively merge hashes. |
2 | 20,054 | 15,347 | moqueue | Mocktacular Companion to AMQP Library. Happy TATFTing! |
3 | 75,944 | 85,709 | hosted-chef | Configures your workstation for Hosted Chef |
4 | 94,983 | 85,709 | nomnomnom-client | A Notification/Exeception handler for Chef. |
5 | 120,281 | 85,709 | teeth | Fast log file parsing in Ruby |
6 | 154,584 | 85,709 | knife-depgraph | A knife plugin to display dependency data for cookbooks used by a node |