Rmm5t's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1738910font-awesome-railsfont-awesome-rails provides the Font-Awesome web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engin...
21,0271,054shoulda-contextContext framework extracted from Shoulda
31,0761,127shouldaMaking tests easy on the fingers and eyes
41,0921,392business_timeHave you ever wanted to do things like "6.business_days.from_now" and have weekends and...
51,7141,646strip_attributesStripAttributes automatically strips all ActiveRecord model attributes of leading and t...
61,8031,680stripe_eventStripe webhook integration for Rails applications.
72,7902,812mongoid-grid_fsA pure Mongoid/Moped implementation of the MongoDB GridFS specification
82,7922,864carrierwave-mongoidMongoid support for CarrierWave
94,1756,316minitest-matchers_vaccineAdds matcher support to minitest without all the other RSpec-style expectation "infecti...
104,2636,001fancybox2-railsThis gem provides jQuery FancyBox 2 for your Rails 3.1/4.0 application. This gem is bas...
115,2794,079iso639ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2 lookups by name, alpha-2 code, or alpha-3 code
127,11912,100middleman-gh-pagesEasy deployment of Middleman sites to Github Pages
1318,27516,452mongoid-minitestMiniTest matchers for Mongoid
1425,97219,892minitest-activemodelMiniTest matchers for ActiveModel::Validations
1537,95632,838mkv2m4vmkv2m4v is a command line utility that converts audio and video tracks from a MKV (Matr...
1654,49850,324rmm5t-flickr_fuProvides a ruby interface to flickr via the REST api
1792,23479,666rmm5t-slideshareRuby interface for SlideShare API
1892,75079,666rmm5t-sendgridThis gem allows simple integration between ActionMailer and SendGrid. ...
19121,136140,090yargYet Another Ruby Generator: Customize existing project generators to fit your personality.
20149,062140,090zippopotamusLookup the city, state, longitude, and latitude for a given country and postal code, or...